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Q: How many significant figures will the product of 0.1400 and 6.02 and 1023 have?
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What is the value of avogadro's number to 4 significant figures in terms of the mole?

6.022 x 1023

How many twelve are there in the product of 1023 and 24?

There are: (1023*24)/12 = 2046

What name is given to the number 6.02 times 1023?

The product of 6.02 and 1023 is 6158.46

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How many moles are there in 5.5x0x1o23 atoms?

Since the product of zero with any other number(s) is zero, there are no moles in the question as written. If 5.5 X 1023 was intended to be written instead of "5.5x0x1o23", the answer is (5.5 X 1023 )/(Avogadro's number) = 0.83 moles, to the justified number of significant digits.

What it the total number of atoms in one molicule in carbon dioxide?

1 mole C = 12.011g C 1.2g C x 1mol C/12.011g C = 0.10 mole C rounded to two significant figures

What is the product of 27 and 10 to the power of 23?

27 x 1023 = 2700000000000000000000000

How many atoms are in 30 moles of iron?

A mole is 6.022×1023 of anything, including atoms. So to determine the number of atoms are in 30 moles of iron, you multiply the number of moles times 6.022×1023. 30mol Fe x 6.022×1023 atoms Fe/1mol Fe = 1.8066×1025atoms Fe When corrected for significant figures, the answer is 2×1025atoms Fe. Note: the number following the 10 in the large numbers is the exponent on the 10 and should be written as superscripts, but that is not supported at the moment.

How many grams are there in 3.3 x 1023 molecules of N2I6?

To find the number of grams in 3.3 x 10^23 molecules of N2I6, you need to convert the number of molecules to moles using Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol). Then, you can use the molar mass of N2I6 (446.75 g/mol) to calculate the grams. The calculation would be: (3.3 x 10^23 molecules / 6.022 x 10^23 molecules/mol) x 446.75 g/mol.

How many atoms are in 2 moles?

In one mole of any substance, there are 6.02 x 1023 constituent particles, correct to three significant figures. This is the Avogadro constant. Thus for two moles of He, there are 1.20 x 1024 atoms. (Note that He is a monatomic gas and exists as a single atom.)

When 6.02 x 1023 is multiplied by 9.1 x 1031 the product?

5.5 x 10-8