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You seem to be asking me to compare surface area to a volume; this doesn't generally make sense.

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Q: How many square miles are in a cubic light year?
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Searching 500 miles in every direction is how many cubic miles?

If the search area is circular, the measurement would be in square miles, not cubic miles. If this is the case, the search area would cover 785,000 square miles.

How do you convert square miles to cubic miles?

You can't convert square anything to cubic anything. If that were possible, then you'd be able to figure out how many gallons of carpet it would take to cover the floor in your room.

How many cubic is equal to 2545 square feet?

Strangely enough, this is the same as asking how many minutes in a gram, or how many dollars in a light year. The thing is that a cubic measurement is different from a square measurement (which in turn is different from a length measurement). You can't turn square feet into cubic feet, they won't go.

How many cubic miles of sand are there in the world?

About 478,567,990.765 cubic miles

How many cubic miles is 1300000000000000 gallons?

1,180.62 cubic miles.

How many cubic feet are in 399 cubic miles?

399 cubic miles = 5.87319828 × 1013 cubic feet

How many cubic meters are in 23 cubic miles?

23 cubic miles = 9.5868182 × 1010 cubic meters.

How many cubic square feet in a cubic square yard?

1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet.

How many cubic miles are in a cubic kilometer?

There are approximately 0.239913 cubic miles in a cubic kilometer.

How many square feet is 453.60 cubic feet?

453.6 cubic feet=138.29 square feet

How many square inches are in 2400 cubic feet?

doesn't work, one is square and the other is cubic

How many cubic inches is in a 5x18x18 square?

1620 cubic inches