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The area of Colombia is 439,736 sq. miles precisely or there abouts lol...

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8mo ago

Colombia has a total land area of about 440,831 square miles.

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Q: How many square miles in Colombia?
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What is Colombia's area in square miles?

Colombia, South America is 440,800 square miles.

What is the landmass in square miles in Colombia?

Colombia's landmass is approximately 442,000 square miles.

What is the area of Columbia is square miles?

439,773 square miles And it's COLOMBIA, not ColUmbia. There is NO u in Colombia, when referring to the country in South America, nor is there a u in Colombian when stating nationality. To be more precise: Colombia - Total area - 439,735.43 square miles (includes 38,696.7 square miles of water area) Land area - 401,038.7 square miles (excluding water area).

What is the area of colombia on square miles?

440,831 sq miles.

What is the area of colombia in both sq miles and in sq km?

Colombia is 1,141,748 km2 or 440,831 square miles.

Which country in South America is 440000 square miles?

Colombia is the answer.

What is Columbia's square mile?

Colombia has an area of 439,736 sq miles.

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The area of Brazil is 3,287,357 square miles. The area of Colombia is 440, 800 square miles. Simply divide the larger number by the smaller number.

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2663 miles

How many square kilometers is Colombia?

Colombia is approximately 1.14 million square kilometers in size.

What is Colombia's land area and population?

Colombia has a land area of about 402,038 square miles. Its population in mid-2016 was about 48,780,000 (48.78 million).

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6537 miles