Generally there are six (6) teaspoons of water or other liquid per fluid ounce.
There are 0.5 fluid ounces (fl oz) in 1 tablespoon (tbsp).
(576 fl oz) / (8 fl oz per cup) = 72 cups
2 fl oz(US) = 4 tbs(US)2 fl oz(US) = 4 tbs(US)2 fl oz(US) = 4 tbs(US)2 fl oz(US) = 4 tbs(US)2 fl oz(US) = 4 tbs(US)2 fl oz(US) = 4 tbs(US)
9 FL oz plus 9 FL oz is equal to 18 FL oz.
6 fl. oz. is equivalent to 0.75 cups.
0.495 fl oz of water equal 1 tablespoon.
0.495 fl oz of water equal 1 tablespoon.
14.786 US Fl oz of water is 1 tablespoon.
In the UK (with its 20 fl oz pint) there are approx 0.0264 pints in a (15 ml) tablespoon In the US (with its 16 fl oz pint) there are approx 0.0313 pints in a (1/2 fl oz) tablespoon.
A tablespoon of water is 1/2 fl oz.
A fl oz of water is 2 tablespoon
1 tablespoon of water is approximately 1/2 a fluid ounce
What is .25 oz equal to tablespoon?
That is approximately 10 tablespoons.
That is 1,152 fl oz.
That is 24 fl oz.
One tablespoon is 15 gm . That is a tiny bit over 1/2 a fl.oz.