The tola is an old Indian unit of weight with possible sources being Chinese or Mongol. It is still commonly used in the sub-continent and if you go to an Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi owned gold shop, you can still but gold using this measurement.
It's the equivalent of the silver rupee issued by the British East India Company, at 180 grains, which equate to 11.6638038 grams, so:
180 grains = 1 tola
11.66 grams = 1 tola
0.375 troy ounces = 1 tola
A Tola is an ancient measure used in India & South Asia & is still used today.
Most of the world uses the TROY units of weight measure . A TOLA about 3/8ths of a Troy Ounce, or exactly 180 Grains.
TROY WEIGHT:- 1 Pound = 12 Ounces. 1 Ounce = 20 Pennyweight.
1 Pennyweight = 24 Grains
A TROY Pound is approx 10% LESS than an Avoirdupois Pound weight, and the Troy Ounce is not the same weight as a Aviod. Ounce .
The TOLA is an ancient unit used in India and South Asia, introduced in 1883.
It has been standardised and is officially 180 Grains=1 Tola. Although the Tola has officially been replaced by the Metric unit in 1956, it is still used in Asia today.
Bars of Gold weighing 10 Tola are commonly traded today
The traditional unit of weight for gold is the troy ounce of the Anglo-Saxon system of weights and measures. Despite the gradual conversion to the metric system, the troy ounce remains a traditional fixture of the gold trade and the most important basis for expressing quotations on a majority of the leading gold markets. 1 troy ounce = 31.1034807 grams 1 troy ounce = 480 grains 1 troy ounce = 20 pennyweights 3.75 troy ounces = 10 tolas (Indian sub-continent) 6.02 troy ounces = 5 taels (Chinese) 32.15 troy ounces = 1 kilogram 32,150 troy ounces = 1 metric ton (1,000 kilos)
1 ounce is equal to 29.5735 milliliters.
Exactly the number of pounds in one pound.
Troy measure1 troy ounce = 480 grains1 troy ounce = 24 scruples1 troy ounce = 20 pennyweights (North American jewelery trade)1 troy ounce = 1.097 ordinary ounce1 troy ounce = 8 drams1 troy ounce = 31.1034768 grams.1 troy ounce = 120 carats1 troy ounce = 155.52 metric carats (diamonds / precious stones).3.75 troy ounces = 10 tolas (Indian sub-continent)6.02 troy ounces = 5 taels (Hong Kong)12 troy ounce=1 troy pound14.583 troy ounce =16 avoirdupois ounce (1Pound)32.15 troy ounces = 1 kilogramme (Kilo)32,150 troy ounces = 1 metric ton (1,000 kilos)1000 troy ounces = 31.1 kilogramsTroy measure1 troy ounce = 480 grains1 troy ounce = 24 scruples1 troy ounce = 20 pennyweights (North American jewelery trade)1 troy ounce = 1.097 ordinary ounce1 troy ounce = 8 drams1 troy ounce = 31.1034768 grams.1 troy ounce = 120 carats1 troy ounce = 155.52 metric carats (diamonds / precious stones).3.75 troy ounces = 10 tolas (Indian sub-continent)6.02 troy ounces = 5 taels (Hong Kong)12 troy ounce=1 troy pound14.583 troy ounce =16 avoirdupois ounce (1Pound)32.15 troy ounces = 1 kilogramme (Kilo)32,150 troy ounces = 1 metric ton (1,000 kilos)1000 troy ounces = 31.1 kilograms
1 ounce = 29.57 ml 1 ml = 0.03 ounce
1 ounce is 28.34 ml.
The traditional unit of weight for gold is the troy ounce of the Anglo-Saxon system of weights and measures. Despite the gradual conversion to the metric system, the troy ounce remains a traditional fixture of the gold trade and the most important basis for expressing quotations on a majority of the leading gold markets. 1 troy ounce = 31.1034807 grams 1 troy ounce = 480 grains 1 troy ounce = 20 pennyweights 3.75 troy ounces = 10 tolas (Indian sub-continent) 6.02 troy ounces = 5 taels (Chinese) 32.15 troy ounces = 1 kilogram 32,150 troy ounces = 1 metric ton (1,000 kilos)
An ounce is 1 ounce, what else could it be.
1 ounce = 28.35 grams
1/16 of a pound in 1 ounce.
28.3495 grams = 1 ounce
1 ounce is equal to 29.5735 milliliters.
How many what?!!! if you mean how many pounds in an ounce, then it is 1/16th of the pound.
1/16 of an ounce equals a dram.
As a Kilogram is large and a ounce is small the number of Kg in 1 ounce is 0.08234
Exactly the number of pounds in one pound.