Some simple calculations: 2 Pints to the quart. 4 quarts to the gallon. Knowing the above, remember the following little verse: "A pint's a pound, the world around." Two pints per quart, make a quart weigh 2 pounds. Four quarts per gallon make the gallon weight... ?
Different liquids weigh different ammounts. You have to be specific about the resin you are interested in. Find the manufacturer and contact them. Water weighs 8.33 pounds per gallon. Your resin will weigh more.
A half gallon of water typically weighs around 4.17 pounds. However, the weight can vary slightly depending on the density of the liquid.
Generally speaking, most foods with a high liquid content, such as potato salad, can be treated as water for this estimation. One pint of water weighs one pound, so a gallon would weigh eight pounds.
There are many variables in defining a 'gallon of raw sewage.' A gallon of water weighs eight pounds. Typical sewage is going to weigh more, depending on the amount of solids that are in it. A gallon of oil weighs less than eight pounds.
Approximately 8.3 pounds.
About 8.53 pounds.
For plain water about 17 pounds at 8.345lbs per gallon.
One gallon of water weighs about 8.33 pounds. So 67,230 gallons would weigh around 560025.9 lb.
One gallon of water weighs 8.33 pounds. fifty gallons would weigh 416.5 pounds
Water weighs approximately 8 pounds per gallon, so 5 gallons weigh about 40 pounds.
Depending on the which sea, the depth of water and the saline content, 8,55 pounds per gallon
One gallon of water weighs approximately 8.34 pounds, so 5 gallons of water would weigh around 41.7 pounds.
There is approximately 8.3454 pounds per gallon. Therefore 5 gallons is approximately 41.727 pounds.
Approximately 1,250 pounds. Each gallon of water weighs around 8.34 pounds, so 150 gallons would weigh 1,251 pounds.
A gallon of water is estimated to weigh 8.34 pounds. 21 tons divided by 8.34 pounds = 5035.97122 gallons of water.