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Power equals voltage times current in amps. The value of amps used is needed to do the math.

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4w ago

To determine the amperage required by a 12-volt audio radio, you would need to know the power consumption of the radio in watts. You can then use the formula: Amps = Watts / Volts to calculate the amperage.

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Q: How many volts amps required a 12 volt audio radio?
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How many amps are required for 100W light bulb operate on 110 volts?

amps equals watts divided by volts.

What is the power required used by a flashlight that needs 12 volts and runs on 0.25 amps?

The power required by the flashlight can be calculated using the formula P = V x I, where P is power in watts, V is voltage in volts, and I is current in amps. Plugging in the values, we get P = 12V x 0.25A = 3 watts. Therefore, the flashlight would require 3 watts of power to operate.

What voltage required to send a current of 4 amps through a resistance of 60ohm?

16 volts

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The formula is volts times amps equals watts, or watts divided by volts equals amps.

How do you convert 2500kw to amps?

Watts = Amps x Volts x Power factor Hence, more information is required to answer your question.

How many volts it takes to cause a current of 1.95 amps to exist in a 200 watt lamp?

The formula to calculate the relationship between amps, volts and watts is Volts X Amps = Watts or Volts = Watts / Amps or Amps = Watts / Volts therefore; 200 Watts divided by 1.95 Amps is 102.5641 Volts.

How many amps does a 90 watt fan required?

To calculate the amperage, you need to know the voltage at which the fan operates. Generally, for common household appliances, the voltage is around 120V in the US. Using the formula Power (W) = Voltage (V) x Current (A), for a 90W fan operating at 120V, the amperage would be approximately 0.75A.

If voltage is 12 volts and ohms is 0.5 how many amps in circuit?

Ohm's law: Volts = Amps * Ohms, or Amps = Volts / Ohms 12 volts / 0.5 ohms = 24 amps

4 volts is a many watts?

4 volts and how many amps? Watts = amps x volts. It depends on the amount of current (in Amps) flowing at 4 Volts... See Ohms Law: Watts = Volts x Amps If you have 2 Amps flowing at 4 Volts you are dissipating/consuming 8 Watts. If you have 10 Amps flowing at 4 Volts you are dissipating/consuming 40 Watts.

How many amps is 1000 volts?

Volts and amps measure two different things. Volts are used to measure potential difference. Amperes (amps for short) are used to measure current. Compare it to a garden hosepipe: Voltage corresponds to the pressure of the water, current measures how fast the water flows. 2000 millivolts equals two volts. For comparison, a single AA cell gives 1.5 volts. 1000 amps is several times the current used by the average household. A regular AA cell can provide, at maximum, about half an amp.

How much current in amps is needed to power a 3kw amplifier at 1500 volts?

It depends on what kind of amp it is. Is it an audio amp or an rf amp . . A 3 kW audio amp would draw about 300 watts on average at most, so with a good reservoir capacitor the supply current would be 0.2 amps. A 3 kW rf amp for AM radio would draw about 4500 watts so the supply current would be 3 amps.

Using 120 volts at 12 amps is the same power as what amps at 220 volts?

6 amps.