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They make approximately 113 human hair wigs a year.

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9mo ago

Locks of Love does not make wigs, but rather uses donated hair to create custom hairpieces for children suffering from medical hair loss. The number of hairpieces produced each year varies depending on the amount of hair donations received.

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Q: How many wigs does Locks of Love make in a year?
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Related questions

Does Locks of Love make wigs for men?

Locks of love is dedicated to children with financial disadvantages. Wigs for men are available at

Who should you not donate your hair to?

Locks of Love-they save the hair and make them into wigs

Does Locks of Love charge for their wigs?


What is the name of the organisation that you can send your hair to for them to make wigs for leukemia sufferers?

Locks for Love

Does Locks of Love make wigs just for children and if so how can you find a place that sells wigs?

"Locks of love" does not provide assistance for anyone over the age of 18. You can contact Pantene Beautiful Lengths at for assistance with obtaining a wig for an adult or to make a hair donation.

What is the purpose of Locks of Love foundation?

Locks of Love accepts donations of hair. It is made in to hairpieces and wigs for those undergoing medical procedures or taking medications that make them lose their hair.

How are most human hair wigs donated?

Most human hair wigs are donated through Locks of Love.

Where are locks of love wigs made?

The wigs are made from real hair kindly donated by people around the world. You can even donate your own hair to Locks of Love if it is longer than 10 inches.

Who will buy your human hair?

A program called "Locks of Love" will take your hair and donate it to make wigs for cancer patients.

Can you donate a wig or hair piece?

Actually if you have really long hair there is a program called locks for love where you can go to a Barbour shop and ask them if they do locks for love and if they do you can have them cut your hair and send it to locks for love and then they will use your hair to make wigs for people with cancer and are loosing their hair.

Where can someone in the Toronto area donate their hair to make wigs for people with cancer?

A person that gives in the city of Toronto can donate their hair to a company called Locks of Love. They use donated hair to make wigs for people with cancer.

Where can you find information on Locks of Love?

Most hair salons have information on and about Locks of Love. Hair goes to makes wigs for children with cancer. Give a few hair salons a call