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If you counted at the rate of one number per second, it would take 320 trillion years

to count to 10 billion trillion. It makes no difference WHAT you're counting.

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Q: How many years would it take to count 10 billion trillion stars in the universe?
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How many months would it take to count all the stars in our universe since there are 10 billion trillion of them?

If you counted 1 number per second, it would take 4000 trillion months (320 trillion years) to count all 10 billion trillion stars (100 billion per galaxy) in a fictitious version of our universe.

How do astronomers locate other stars trillion light years away?

They can't. The universe is only about 13 billion years old. If there are galaxies a trillion light years away their light has not reached us yet and due to the expansion of the universe, never will. At the edge of what we call the observable universe we cannot make out individual stars, but we can detect galaxies using infrared telescopes.

How many stars and how many galaxies have been catalogued?

It is estimated that there are around 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. As for stars, there are estimated to be around 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone. The total number of stars in the universe is difficult to determine, but it is likely in the order of trillions to quadrillions.

What is thev connection between universestar and galaxy?

The universe comprises all matter in space. This includes a very large number (200 billion to 2 trillion) galaxies. Each galaxy comprises a very large number of stars: our contains 100 thousand million stars.

What is larger a red giant a galaxy the universe or the solar system?

The Universe may hold over a trillion (1,000,000,000,000) galaxies. A galaxy might have several billion stars. The planetary portion of the Solar System is several billion miles in diameter; no star is that big, although some red giants would reach the Earth if they were centered on the Sun.

Related questions

How many months would it take to count all the stars in our universe since there are 10 billion trillion of them?

If you counted 1 number per second, it would take 4000 trillion months (320 trillion years) to count all 10 billion trillion stars (100 billion per galaxy) in a fictitious version of our universe.

how many stars are in th sky?

approximately 200 billion trillion stars in the universe.

How many stars in the universe?

About 100 thousand million billion trillion

How many comets are in the universe?

There are estimated to be around a trillion comets in the Solar System. Assuming that to be "typical" and figuring roughly a billion trillion stars in the universe, that means the number of comets in the universe is probably in the vicinity of a billion trillion trillion (ten to the thirtieth power).

Do all 10 billion trillion stars in the universe come in size color and temperature?

Yes. All ~10 billion trillion stars all come in size, color, and temperature.

Are there at least 10 billion trillion or more stars in the universe?

Nobody knows the exact number of stars, however it is possible that there are billions or trillions of stars.

How long would it take to count all the stars in the universe?

There are a lot of stars in the universe. Our Galaxy alone is thought to contain 400 billion stars. If you can count 2 stars a second continuously without sleep it would take 200 billion seconds or 6337 years 225 days 13 hours 33 minutes and 20 seconds.Add to that the fact that there is thought to be about 400 billion galaxies in our universe. Our Galaxy is large by galaxy standards but let us assume that the average number of stars in any given galaxy is 100 billion. So at 2 a second it would take 633.7 trillion years or to put it into perspective 46,154.4 times longer than the universe has thought to existed.

How meany stars are therein the world?

There are estimated to be over 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy alone, and there are billions of galaxies in the observable universe. It is impossible to accurately count the total number of stars in the universe.

What is this number 1000000000000000000000?

1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 1021 = 1 sextillion

How meny stars in the sky?

scientists aren't sure how many but in the current estimate, there are 100 billion stars in the galaxy and there are an estimate of 100 trillion galaxies in the universe. and the rest it's up to you to do the math.....

How do astronomers locate other stars trillion light years away?

They can't. The universe is only about 13 billion years old. If there are galaxies a trillion light years away their light has not reached us yet and due to the expansion of the universe, never will. At the edge of what we call the observable universe we cannot make out individual stars, but we can detect galaxies using infrared telescopes.

Can you count the stars?

You can count the stars, bu it is as hopeless as tryin to count all the grains of sand in the Sahara Desert. So in other word youcna count stars but you can't. In our galaxy we have 100 billion stars and there are a 100 billion galaxies, at least.