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do you mean 100 ml? most solutions are given in terms of volume not mass. But ...

CaCl2 has a molar mass of 111 g The hydrated form also contains 108 g water. This gives a total mass of 219 g for the hydrated form.

The solution must contain: 100 g x 5% = 100 x 5/100 = 5g anhydrous CaCl2

5 / x = 111 / 219

solve for x: x = 5(219)/111 = 9.865 g of the hydrate

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Q: How much CaCl2.6H2O and water must be weighed to prepare 100g of a solution that is 5 percent CaCl2?
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How do one prepare 0.01M butanesulphonate?

To prepare a 0.01M solution of butanesulphonate, you would weigh out the appropriate amount of butanesulphonate compound needed to achieve a concentration of 0.01 moles per liter in a certain volume of solvent (usually water). You would dissolve the weighed compound in the solvent and then make up the final volume to reach the desired concentration. Finally, you would mix the solution thoroughly to ensure homogeneity.

What is one potential benefit of genome sequencing that can be weighed against possible negative effects?

Knowledge of your genome could help you prepare for, or even prevent, some diseases.

When you created salt water solution if you evaporate the water how many mg of salt would be left behind?

Exactly the same amount of salt as you weighed out to make the salt water solution in the first place.

How to make a project on comparative study on antacids?

To make a project on a comparative study of antacids, you can select different types of antacids available in the market, research their active ingredients, dosage forms, effectiveness in neutralizing stomach acid, side effects, and cost. Conduct experiments to compare their pH levels after interaction with acid, analyze the results, and draw conclusions on which antacids are most effective. Present your findings in a report highlighting the differences between the antacid products.

Can a solid be weighed?

Yes, a solid can be weighed on a scale. The weight of a solid is the force exerted by gravity on the object, which can be measured in units like grams or kilograms.

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