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ENIAC weighed in at over 30 tons and took up 1,800 sq feet of floor.

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1mo ago

The ENIAC, while not all the information is available, had about 70,000 resistors, which are small electronic components. Considering their size and standard weight, the total weight of all the wires in the ENIAC is estimated to be around 7-8 tons.

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How much do wiring wires weigh?

ENIAC weighed in at over 30 tons and took up 1,800 sq feet of floor.

How much does a ENIAC weigh?

i don't know go ask Albert Einstein

How much energy did the eniac use?

The ENIAC used 160 kilowatts (160,000 watts).

How much ENIAC cost?

Roughly $500,000.

How much did ENIAC cost?

Roughly $500,000.

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How much did it cost to build ENIAC?

it originally cost $500,000, and was government funded. Check below for more information

How much floor did the ENIAC take up?

1,000 square feet

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How much was the eniac computer sold?

ENIAC was never sold, it was built to order on a cost plus wartime Army contract. The original estimated cost to build ENIAC in the contract was roughly $50,000, however by the time it was finished the final cost was over $500,000. About a year after completion, ENIAC was dissembled and shipped to the BRL Aberdeen where it was used for about a decade. The Army owned it from the day the contract was signed until it was retired.

ENIAC the computer at what date was it finished?

The ENIAC computer was finished in November, 1945.