

Best Answer

591 ml of water weighs about 5.796 newtons (1.303 pounds).

There's no way for us to know the weight of the bottle.

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Q: How much does a water bottle containing 591 ml weigh in pounds?
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A liter of water weighs approximately 2.2 pounds. So a 1.00 liter bottle of drinking water would weigh about 2.2 pounds.

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A typical stainless steel refillable water bottle may weigh around 0.4 to 0.6 pounds (0.2 to 0.3 kg), while a lightweight plastic refillable water bottle may weigh around 0.1 to 0.2 pounds (0.05 to 0.1 kg). The weight can vary based on the material and size of the bottle.

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A bottle of 16.9 ounces of water weighs approximately 1.05 pounds. Therefore, a case of 40 bottles would weigh around 42 pounds in total.

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A case of 24 16oz bottles of water would weigh approximately 24 pounds (1 pound per bottle).

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The weight of a 24-pack of water bottles varies depending on the size of the bottles. On average, a 16.9 oz (500ml) water bottle weighs around 1.1 pounds. So, a 24-pack of such water bottles would weigh approximately 26.4 pounds.

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A typical glass bottle weighs between 200-500 grams, depending on its size and thickness.

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A standard box of quarters containing $500 worth would weigh approximately 13.5 pounds.

A barrel of water weighs 20 pounds What would you add to make it weigh 12 pounds?

To make the barrel of water weigh 12 pounds, you would need to remove 8 pounds of water from the barrel.