5 feet 11 inches is approximately equal to 1.80 meters.
11 cm is equal to 0.11 meters.
Using Google.com is the quickest way to convert units. By just typing in a phase such as11 inches in metersThe reply that Google's gives you is... 11 inches = 0.2794 meters
12.1391076 feet source: google conversions, just google 3.7 meters to feet
5 feet 11 inches or 5 11/100 feet? 5 feet 11 inches = 1.8034 meters 5 11/100 feet = 1.55753 meters
5 feet 11 inches is approximately equal to 1.80 meters.
her height is 5feet 11 inches..not sure about her weight
Sure I am. Don't worry about it. ;)
11 cm is equal to 0.11 meters.
There are 12 inches to a foot. By dividing them out you get 5.91 feet.
Using Google.com is the quickest way to convert units. By just typing in a phase such as11 inches in metersThe reply that Google's gives you is... 11 inches = 0.2794 meters
12.1391076 feet source: google conversions, just google 3.7 meters to feet
from 80 to 95 lbs.
11 feet 10 inches = 3.6068 meters
5 feet 11 inches or 5 11/100 feet? 5 feet 11 inches = 1.8034 meters 5 11/100 feet = 1.55753 meters
1.1 meters is approximately 43.31 inches.
5 feet and 11 inches tall is 1.8 meters tall.