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No telling."A while" could be anything from a milisecond to a decade. It really depends on the situation.

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3mo ago

A while can refer to a period of time that is longer than just a few moments but less than a specific amount. It is subjective and can vary based on context, ranging from a few minutes to an hour or more.

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What is the difference between rate and time?

Rate refers to the speed or frequency at which something occurs, while time refers to the duration or specific moment when something happens. Rate involves a measurement of how much of something occurs per unit of time, while time is a measurement of the duration between specific events.

What is the difference between quantative and quality time in a relationship?

Quantitative time refers to the amount of time spent together, while quality time refers to the value and connection experienced during that time. Quality time focuses on the depth of interaction, intimacy, and emotional connection, while quantitative time emphasizes the quantity of hours or activities spent together without necessarily building a strong bond.

What is detreminate and indterminate time?

Deterministic time refers to a fixed amount of time required to complete a task, while indeterminate time refers to an uncertain amount of time with no fixed endpoint. Determinate time is predictable and can be planned for, while indeterminate time may depend on various factors and is less predictable.

Would time be different on Jupiter than the UK?

In terms of time of day, it would most of the time. Jupiter's day is much shorter than earth's. While a day on Earth is 24 hours, a day on Jupiter is just under 10 hours. It gets complicated, though, as Jupiter does not have a solid surface.

What is the time astronauts use while in the space since they travel from so fast between time zones?

Houston time.

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15 years of Narnian time, and no time at all in our world.

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Play some video games. Time will go by much faster.

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You will not be able to make much working part time shifts in a restaurant.

How much distance is a second?

Distance is a unit of distance, while seconds are units of time. The two are unrelated.

How much time needed for a to get satisfied while intercorse?

3-6 minutes is the best time, less then that is not enough. Around 5 minutes is when you get your orgasim.

How much time do kids spend on personal hygiene?

Depending on how much importance was placed on hygiene by the child's parents while the child was being raised. Everyone will spend different amounts of time depending on who they are.

Why do roomates fight?

Because when you live with someone for a while you can get irritated at one another as you spend to much time together.