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To get to Mercury you have to wait for 10,000 years to get there, so it would be 10,000 plus 12

22,000 is gonna be your age when you arrive, so that means that no one can get to Mercury, Only space probes, Space probes travel so fast that they get to Mercury in one day!!!!!

A 12 year old mercurian would be 12 years old - just that their year is shorter than our (earth) year.

Mercury orbits the sun in approx 88 earth days so for every earth year, the mercurians would experience approx 4.15 mercurian years.

So in the time someone reaches 12 years old on earth, a mercurian would have reached approx 49.81 mercurian years old.

But as the mercurian day is approx 2/3 a mercurian year, a 12 year earthling is approx 4380 earth days old, whereas the 49.81 mercurian is only about 75 mercurian days old.

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9mo ago

On Mercury, a twelve-year-old person would be 50 years old. This is because Mercury's orbit is much shorter than Earth's, completing one orbit around the Sun in about 88 Earth days.

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15y ago

12 Earth years would be about the same as 50 Mercury years (12/0.2408 years = 49.8 years).

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15y ago

almost 3 earth years old.

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Q: How old would a twelve year old person would be in mercury?
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