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In theory, the effectiveness of the cooling process depends on the ability/capacity of the cooling element (in this case, water and ice) to absorb energy from the system, until the system goes to equilibrium.

Ice is more effective than water in cooling liquids because ice needs additional energy to convert itself to water at 0ºC. Thus, it absorbs more heat from the liquid system it is in, making the liquid system cooler. In other words, ice at 0ºC is simply a "level" higher than water at 0ºC. The additional energy requirement is called "enthalpy of fusion.

Simple mathematical illustration:

X = Y + c


X = energy that ice at 0ºC can absorb until equilibrium

Y = energy that water at 0ºC can absorb until equilibrium

c = constant (enthalpy of fusion)

Step by step mechanism is:

1. Ice at negative degrees Celsius absorbs energy to make the ice temperature 0ºC

2. Ice at 0ºC abosrbs energy to convert the ice to water (still at 0ºC)

3. Water at 0ºC absorbs energy until the system reaches equilibrium

Ice at 0ºC starts on step 2 while water at 0ºC starts on step 3.. Hope it can be of help..

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āˆ™ 14y ago
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āˆ™ 3w ago

Ice at 0 degrees Celsius is more effective at cooling than water at 0 degrees Celsius because ice requires energy to melt into water, absorbing heat from its surroundings in the process. This process, known as the heat of fusion, makes ice more efficient at absorbing heat compared to liquid water.

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Q: Ice at 0 degree celsius is more effective in cooling than water at 0 degree celsius?
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Why cooling effect of ice at 0 degree Celsius is more than same amount of water at 0 degree Celsius?

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Ice at 0 degrees celsius is more effective in cooling than water at 0 degree celsius?

Ice can absorb more heat when melting into water at 0 degrees Celsius compared to water at the same temperature, making it more effective at cooling. This is because the process of melting ice involves absorbing additional heat energy from the surroundings to break the bonds between ice molecules into liquid water molecules.

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The amount of cooling required to lower the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius is known as the substance's specific heat capacity. It depends on the substance's properties and can be measured in joules per gram per degree Celsius (J/gĀ°C) or in joules per kilogram per degree Celsius (J/kgĀ°C).

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The boiling point of water is 100 degree celsius. Therefore water changes in to vapor after 100 degree celsius. Therefore the physical state of water at 250 degree celsius is "Gas".

What is physical state of water at 0 degree celsius?

Water at 0 degrees Celsius is in a solid state, known as ice.

Why does ice at 0 degree celsius cools better than water at 0 degree celsius?

Ice at 0 degree Celsius is able to absorb more heat energy from its surrounding environment to melt and increase its temperature, compared to water at 0 degree Celsius which needs to first convert into ice before it can absorb additional heat energy. This latent heat of fusion process makes ice more effective at cooling than water at the same temperature.

Why in ice cube at 0 degree Celsius is much effective in cooling a drink that the same mass of water at 0 degree Celsius what is the formula?

Latent heat of the ice, liquid water has no latent heat reserves. Perhaps at freezing we should call it "latent cold" but thermodynamics has always referred to it as latent heat whether at boiling or freezing. +++ It is latent heat because the water (liquid or ice) at freezing-point (0ºC) still contains heat energy as its temperature is at about 217ºK.

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The triple point of water is zero degree Celsius this is because 1)zero degree Celsius is the melting point of ice. 2)water changes from liquid to solid in zero degree Celsius.

In which degree Celsius water heated?

100 degrees celsius

Why is ice cream at 0 degree Celsius is cooler than water at 0 degree Celsius?

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