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liquid because the yellow substance takes the form of the container.

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The substance is likely a gas, as gases fill the entire volume of their container. Solids and liquids typically do not expand to fill the entire volume of the container like gases do.

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Q: If A scientist places 25 ml of a yellow substance into a 50 ml container the substance quickly fills the entire container is it a solid liquid or gas?
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What substance expand to fill the entire volume of its container?

A gas can expand to fill the entire volume of its container because the particles are not confined and can move freely. When a gas is placed in a container, it will fill the entire space available to it.

How can you tell the substance in the container is a gas?

It expands to fill the container.

What is the substance called that occupies the entire volume of the container?

The substance that occupies the entire volume of a container is called a gas. Gas particles are free to move around and fill the space available to them.

What does the word liquid mean in science?

In science, "liquid" refers to a state of matter that has a definite volume but takes the shape of its container. Liquids flow and can be poured, but do not expand to fill the entire space of a container like gases.

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The gas molecules move freely and independently from one another, filling the entire volume of their container because of their high kinetic energy. This results in the gas taking the shape of its container and exerting pressure on its walls evenly.

What does not take the shape of the container it is in?

Gases do not take the shape of the container they are in. Instead, they expand to fill the entire volume of the container.

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all of it - the air would expand to fit the entire container.

When a gas fills its entire container it is an example of the property known as?

When a gas fills its entire container, it is an example of the property known as "expansion." Gases have the ability to expand to fill the space available to them, as they have no fixed shape or volume.

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Its not about the town its the entire state Conn does not have a container law the passenger is allowed to drink alcohol not the driver.

Does prescription drugs have to be in original container?

I have skimmed the entire CSA (controlled substance act) under which prescriptions fall and could not find a definitive answer. HOWEVER because having a prescription that is not your own is against the law, and placing your prescription in a different container that doesn't provide information verifying that It is medicine being prescribed to you I highly discourage using any container other than the original.

Which state of matter spreads itself thinner and thinner until it fills the entire volume of the container irrespective of its size?

Gas. Gas particles are in constant motion and tend to spread out to fill the entire volume of the container they are in, regardless of its size.

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Liquids and gases adopt the shape of their container, while solids maintain their own shape regardless of the container.