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That the Law of Conservation of Matter has been proven to be true once again.

I could also conclude that the experiment occured within a closed sytem where no gas was lost.

So many conclusions, so little time.

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The mass of the flask and its contents did not change during the experiment.

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Q: If The flask and its contents had a mass of 120 grams before the experiment and a mass of 120 grams after the experiment Which conclusion can best be made from these measurements?
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Why is it not necessary to dertemine accurately the cell constant of the conductance cell before carrying ou the experiment?

Although determining the cell constant accurately is ideal for precise measurements, it is not always necessary before conducting the experiment. As long as the conductance cell is properly calibrated, any variations in the cell constant can be accounted for in the calculations. The key is consistency in the calibration process to ensure reliable and reproducible results.

Why is it necessary to determine accurately the cell constant of the conductance cell before carrying out this experiment?

Determining the cell constant is crucial because it relates the conductance of a solution to the actual concentration of ions present. Without an accurate cell constant, the conductance measurements may not reflect the true concentration of ions in the solution. This could lead to incorrect conclusions and data in the experiment.

Kat was getting ready to study gas in the laboratory Before beginning her experiment she remembered to measure the total volume of the flask that would contain the gas what else should she measure?

Kat should also measure the temperature and pressure of the gas inside the flask before beginning her experiment. These measurements are necessary to accurately calculate the properties of the gas, such as its volume, using the ideal gas law equation.

What does color mean in chemistry?

it means what color it turns after or before the experiment

Which piece of equipment is the best foe measuring the change in the mass of potato slices after placing them in different concentrations of salt water?

A digital balance is the best equipment for measuring the change in mass of potato slices after placing them in different concentrations of salt water. It provides accurate measurements of mass before and after the experiment.

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What is the difference between a prediction and a conclusion?

A prediction is what you think will happen BEFORE the experiment is followed through with, a conclusion is what you observe and conclude after the experiment has been completed.

What is the difference between a hypothesis and a conclusion?

The hypothesis is the guess you make before the experiment. The conclusion the summaryof you results, and you can discuss whether your hypothesis was correct or not.

How do you overcome density experiment?

To overcome density experiment, you can try using a more precise measuring instrument for weighing and volume measurements, ensuring all measurements are taken at the same temperature and pressure, and repeating the experiment multiple times to account for any errors or inconsistencies. Additionally, ensuring proper mixing and handling of the materials before taking measurements can help improve accuracy.

How many times should a experiment be repeated before reaching a conclusion?

as much data as possible can be colleced in the time availble

What are the five parts of a well designed experiment?

Five parts of a well designed experiment includes a question that you want to solve, a hypothesis which you are going to test, the data, and conclusion. And of course the actual experiment. And before all this you must observe. 1-Observation 2-Question 3-Making a hypothesis 4-Experiment 5-Collect Data 6-Make a Conclusion

What are the parts of a well -designed experiment?

Five parts of a well designed experiment includes a question that you want to solve, a hypothesis which you are going to test, the data, and conclusion. And of course the actual experiment. And before all this you must observe. 1-Observation 2-Question 3-Making a hypothesis 4-Experiment 5-Collect Data 6-Make a Conclusion

How do scientists make theories?

Fist the scientist figures out the aim of their experiment. Then they make a prediction. And then they make a theory before actually doing their experiment. After the experiment they make a conclusion and then evaluate their experiment (what went wrong, how things could be better...). Hope this helped! :)

Do you write a conclusion before the results in a chemical experiment?

In a scientific paper or report, the conclusion usually comes after the results section. The results section presents the raw data and findings, which are then interpreted in the conclusion section to discuss the implications of the results and how they support the hypothesis or research question.

How does an cunclusion differ from a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon that can be tested through research, while a conclusion is a statement that summarizes the findings of a study or experiment, based on the evidence collected. In other words, a hypothesis is an educated guess before an experiment, and a conclusion is a result after the experiment.

Conclusion in science projects?

The conclusion in your scientific reports should include: * what were the assumptions and what results were you expecting before doing the experiment * what method(s) or approach(es) did you use in the experiment * what are the results? * do your results agree or support with your assumptions? If yes, why? If no, what do you suggest to do for the next experiment. Preferably, the conclusion is much shorter than the body of your report. One paragraph can suffice, but try to keep it less than 2 typewritten pages. Be concise. Keep your sentences short. This section may be the only one that your peers or superiors will read. ==================

Does a theory go in or before the conclusion?

Usually, a theory should go before the conclusion.

Why is it important to calibrate your pipet before beginning this experiment?

Calibrating your pipette ensures accuracy and precision in the volume measurements during the experiment. Inaccurate pipetting can lead to errors in experimental results and can impact the validity of the conclusions drawn from the data. Regular calibration helps maintain the reliability and reproducibility of your experiments.