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I would say 2,361,183,241,434,822,606,848 based on: every 20 minutes for 24 hours = 72 times "doubling" after the initial doubling of 1 to 2, that leaves 71 more times, so the equation should be 271 = 2,361,183,241,434,822,606,848 ~= 2.36118324 × 1021

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 1mo ago

After 24 hours, the single bacterium would have undergone 48 divisions (24 hours x 60 minutes/hour รท 30 minutes/division). Therefore, the single colony would contain 2^48 bacteria, which is 281,474,976,710,656 bacteria.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

24 hours has 48 half-hour periods, so the answer is 248 - assuming there was enough food for all those bacteria.

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Q: If a bacterium divides every 30 minutes producing two bacteria how many bacteria would a single colony contain after 24 hours if it began as a single bacterium?
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How do bacteria reproduce is?

Bacteria can reproduce sexually and asexually. Sexually, two bacteria are involved, but asexually, the bacterium divides on its own in a process similar to that of cellular mitosis.

What will happen when the bacterium divides?

When a bacterium divides it makes two clones of itself.

If a certain bacterium divides every 30 min when will there be more than 1000 bacteria?

After 4 hours, as the bacterium doubles every 30 minutes, resulting in 8 divisions within this time frame. Starting with 1 bacterium, this will lead to 28 = 256 bacteria after 4 hours.

Process in which a bacterium replicates its DNA and divides in half?

binary fission

When one bacterium split in the middle to form two bacteria what is it?

This process is called binary fission. Binary fission is a form of asexual reproduction in which a single bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. It is the most common method of bacterial reproduction.

Is bacteria growth is mostly a simple increase in size?

No, bacteria growth involves both an increase in size (cell growth) and an increase in number (cell division). Bacteria reproduce by a process called binary fission, in which one bacterium divides into two daughter cells. This enables exponential growth of bacterial populations under favorable conditions.

Does bacteria reproduce by growing and then splitting in two?

Binary fission

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Does monera reproduce sexually or asexually?

AsexuallyExample- bacteria divides into two separate bacteria.

What method do bacteria use to grow?

Bacteria multiplies by binary fission, that is a single cell divides into two.

Binary fission is a process through which?

Binary fission is a process through which a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. It is a common form of reproduction in prokaryotes and unicellular organisms.

What is the process of reproduction called?

binary fission it is the process by which the bacteria divides