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If a biomass pyramid contains 400 kilograms of wheat at its base, 4 kilograms of human tissue would exist at the fourth topic level.

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Approximately 4 kilograms of human tissue would exist at the fourth trophic level, assuming an average energy transfer efficiency of 10% between trophic levels in a food chain.

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Q: If a biomass pyramid contains 400 kilograms of wheat at its base how many kilograms of human tissue would exist at the fourth trophic level?
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What does a biomass pyramid present?

Biomass - the total dry weight of the organisms in a trophic levelBiomass Pyramid - a diagram showing the biomass at each trophic level of a food chainA pyramid of biomass shows energy lost in each trophic level while a pyramid of numbers shows the numbers of the organisms in each trophic level

The total mass of living tissue at each trophic level can be shown bY?

A pyramid of biomass or a pyramid of energy can show the total mass of living tissue at each trophic level. These pyramids illustrate the decreasing amount of biomass or energy available as you move up the food chain, with producers at the base and top-level consumers at the top.

How does a biomass pyramid differ by showing each tropical level?

A biomass pyramid displays the total biomass at each trophic level in an ecosystem. In a typical pyramid, the biomass decreases as you move up the trophic levels, with primary producers at the base having the most biomass. In a tropical ecosystem, the biomass pyramid may be inverted due to high turnover rates and rapid growth and reproduction of organisms, leading to a larger biomass of consumers compared to producers.

What the total amount of organic matter present in any trophic level?

Biomass pyramid

How would a pyramid reflecting biomass be similar to or different from an energy pyramid?

A pyramid reflecting biomass would show the amount of living organic matter at each trophic level in an ecosystem, whereas an energy pyramid would show the amount of energy transferred between trophic levels. Both pyramids demonstrate a decrease in quantity as you move up trophic levels, but the biomass pyramid takes into account the total mass of all organisms at each level, while the energy pyramid shows the flow of energy.

Related questions

Which type of diagram shows the number of trophic levels an ecosystem supports?

A food web diagram best illustrates the number of trophic levels in an ecosystem. This diagram depicts the interconnected feeding relationships among various organisms in an ecosystem, clearly showing the flow of energy through different trophic levels.

Which type of pyramid shows the amount of living tissue at trophic level in an ecosystem?

a biomass pyramid

Are biomass and trophic level related?

Each trophic level contains one-tenth as much biomass as the level below it and ten times as much biomass as the level above it.

What would biomass tell us that a pyramid of numbers wouldn't?

A pyramid of numbers will only tell you the amount of organisms at each trophic level. A Biomass pyramid ignores the amount of organisms in favour of their biomass (dry weight) which in turn represents the amount of energy available at each trophic level.

What does a biomass pyramid present?

Biomass - the total dry weight of the organisms in a trophic levelBiomass Pyramid - a diagram showing the biomass at each trophic level of a food chainA pyramid of biomass shows energy lost in each trophic level while a pyramid of numbers shows the numbers of the organisms in each trophic level

The total mass of living tissue at each trophic level can be shown bY?

A pyramid of biomass or a pyramid of energy can show the total mass of living tissue at each trophic level. These pyramids illustrate the decreasing amount of biomass or energy available as you move up the food chain, with producers at the base and top-level consumers at the top.

What the total amount of organic matter present in any trophic level?

Biomass pyramid

How would a pyramid reflecting biomass be similar to or different from an energy pyramid?

A pyramid reflecting biomass would show the amount of living organic matter at each trophic level in an ecosystem, whereas an energy pyramid would show the amount of energy transferred between trophic levels. Both pyramids demonstrate a decrease in quantity as you move up trophic levels, but the biomass pyramid takes into account the total mass of all organisms at each level, while the energy pyramid shows the flow of energy.

How do you biomass and 90 heat relate in an ecological pyramid?

In an ecological pyramid, biomass represents the total mass of living organisms within each trophic level. The 90 heat rule states that only about 10% of energy is passed on from one trophic level to the next, with the rest being lost as heat. Therefore, the biomass at a particular trophic level will be ten times greater than the biomass at the next higher trophic level, reflecting the loss of energy as heat through the different trophic levels.

Whats the difference between biomass pyramid and energy pyramid and number pyramid?

== == Of the trophic levels of the ecological pyramid, there are three ways to describe the flow of energy in food chains. Numbers, energy and biomass. See the related link for more information.

How is a pyramid of energy different from a puramid of biomass?

A pyramid of energy shows the flow of energy through different trophic levels, with energy decreasing as it moves up the pyramid due to inefficiencies in energy transfer. A pyramid of biomass, on the other hand, represents the total mass of organisms at each trophic level, showcasing the amount of living material present.

Do the biomass of organisms in a typical ecological pyramid increases at each level?

The biomass of each organism decreases with each level. With less energy at higher trophic levels, there are usually fewer organisms as well. Organisms tend to be larger in size at higher trophic levels, but their smaller numbers result in less biomass. Biomass is the total mass of organisms at a trophic level.