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Energy does not have mass. Energy and mass are related to each other as stated in Einstein's famous E = mc^2. So the two are proportional, but not equal to each other.

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Light is composed of massless particles called photons, which allows it to travel at the speed of light in a vacuum. While light carries energy, it does not have mass in the traditional sense, which is why it can achieve this incredible speed.

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Q: If energy has mass and anything that has mass cannot travel at the speed of light then how is light energy?
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How do you Compare and contrast light and sound energy?

Light energy consists of electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light, while sound energy consists of mechanical waves that travel at a much slower speed. Light energy does not require a medium to travel through, whereas sound energy does. Light energy can travel through a vacuum, whereas sound energy cannot.

Tell why sound which is a form of energy like light cannot travel at the speed of light?

Quite simply, the two things - being "a form of energy" and travelling at a speed of light - are completely unrelated. There are other forms of energy that don't travel at all, like potential energy.

Can all forms of energy travel in a vacuum?

Yes, all forms of energy can travel in a vacuum because energy does not require a medium (such as air or water) to transfer from one place to another. This includes forms like electromagnetic radiation (such as light) and gravitational energy.

Is there anything that can travel faster than the speed of light?

Nothing has been found that can.However there is a theoretical prediction of particles that can ONLY travel faster than light (at 0 energy they travel infinitely fast and it takes the addition of kinetic energy to slow them down), they are called "tachyons".

How are sound and light forms of energy different?

Sound is a form of mechanical energy and light is electrical. Sound moves as a longitudinal wave and lighty as a transverse wave. Sound cannot travel in free space, light can.

What do you need to travel at the speed of light?

To travel at the speed of light, you would need to have an infinite amount of energy, which is currently not possible with our current technology and understanding of physics. Additionally, as per the theory of relativity, an object with mass cannot reach the speed of light.

What is a material that light can't travel through?

There is no known material that light cannot travel through. However, materials such as lead and thick concrete can significantly attenuate or absorb light, making them almost opaque to visible light.

There is an upper limit on the speed of a particle This means that there is also an upper limit on its?

energy. As a particle's speed approaches the speed of light, its energy increases, but it cannot exceed a certain value. This limit is known as the speed of light, and particles with mass cannot travel at or beyond this speed.

What is a material that light cannot travel through?

One example of a material that light cannot travel through is a thick wall made of lead. Lead is a dense material that absorbs and blocks light, preventing it from passing through. This property makes lead commonly used as a shielding material in radiation protection.

What can't energy be transferred through?

Energy cannot be transferred through a vacuum, as it requires a medium such as matter or particles to travel from one point to another. While electromagnetic radiation (such as light) can travel through a vacuum, it is the radiation itself transferring energy, not the vacuum.

What is the difference between speed and light?

Speed is how fast something moves. Light is a form of energy carried by massless photons, these photons move at the speed of light, which is the fastest speed that anything in the universe can travel.

How light energy different from other energy?

It can travel through a vacuum.