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It has a density of 200 g/mL

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

The density of the object is calculated by dividing its mass by its volume. In this case, the density would be 4000g / 20ml = 200 g/ml.

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Q: If something has a mass of 4000grams and a volume of 20ml what is the density?
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You cannot directly associate weight and volume. You firstly need to know the shape and other dimensions in order to find the volume. Then you need to apply the density of the material, i.e. what it weighs per volume.

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this is valid for water only (or any fluid with same density as water) water density (@0°C) = 1000 kg/m^3 (actual value is 999.8395 kg/m^3) = 1 g/ml volume = mass / density = (20 g) / (1 g/ml) = 20 ml

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How much does 20ml in a 5mg5ml solution equal in cc?

In a 5mg/5mL solution, 20mL would contain 20mg of the active ingredient. To convert mg to cc, you need to know the density of the specific substance in question. This conversion cannot be accurately completed without the density information.

A 20.0 mL sample of a salt solution that has a mass of 24.0 g What is the density of the solution?

density = mass/volume. (g/cm^3)So here it is simple 24g/20ml = 1.2 g ml-1That's it. But check your units. g cm-3 is generally used in chemistry...and luckily cm-3 = ml-1. But if your volume is in litres or weight is in kgs, just be careful with your units.A fun side-note is that water is more or less 1g cm-3 in density. So 20ml of water = 20g. Here you have 24g, so you know 4grams of salt was added.This IS an approximation, though. There are many subtle effects you would consider in much higher education.-------------------------------------------------density is in g/ml or g/cc. And, the easiest way to do these problems is to just make the units match (with something that seems logical).You are given 20 ml & 24 g.So you simply divide the two.24g/20ml = 1.2 g/mlCheck your work... Does this make sense. You said it is a "salt solution" which we would expect a moderate increase in density over 1, so this seems plausible.