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If the change in energy of electron is totally exhibited as a photon then the energy = h times frequency.

h = 6.626 x 10 to -34 J s

Simply multiply h and frequency you would get the energy in joule

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1mo ago

The energy of the electron increased by absorbing the photon with that frequency. Energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency, so a photon with a frequency of 4 x 10^15 Hz carries a specific amount of energy, which was transferred to the electron upon absorption.

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14y ago

The electron lost 4 x 10-19 J of energy.

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14y ago

4x 1015 Hz

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Q: If the photon has a frequency of 4 x 1015 Hz how did the energy of the electron change?
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Which color of light does the smallest energy drop of an electron produce?

The smallest energy drop of an electron produces red light. When an electron transitions to its lowest energy level, it emits a photon with the least energy, corresponding to the red wavelength of light.

The light bearing packet of energy emitted by an electron is called a?

A packet of light energy is called a photon.

Does kinetic energy of photo electron depend upon intensity of light?

No, the kinetic energy of a photoelectron is primarily determined by the frequency of the incident light (photon energy), not the intensity of the light. Increasing the intensity of light will increase the number of photoelectrons emitted but will not change their individual kinetic energies.

When an electron drops from a higher energy state to a lower energy state?

When an electron drops from a higher energy state to a lower energy state, it emits electromagnetic radiation in the form of a photon. This process is known as atomic emission, and the energy of the emitted photon corresponds to the energy difference between the two electron states.

An electron loses 2.5 x 10-15 J of energy and emits a photon What is the frequency of the photon that is emitted?

The energy of a photon is related to its frequency through the equation E = hf, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency. Given that the electron loses 2.5 x 10^-15 J of energy, this energy is equal to the energy of the photon emitted. From there, you can calculate the frequency of the photon by rearranging the formula f = E / h. Plug in the values and solve to find the frequency.

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If the photon has a frequency of 4 x 10-15 Hz how did the energy of the electron change?

4x 1015 Hz The electron lost 2.6 x 10-18 J of energy.

Electron X can change to a higher energy level or a lower energy level Which statement is true of electron X?

Electron X can transition between energy levels by either absorbing or emitting a photon. The energy change corresponds to the photon's energy (ΔE = hf), where h is Planck's constant and f is the frequency of the photon. The transitions between energy levels are quantized and follow the laws of quantum mechanics.

What does the change of an atom from an excited state to the ground state always require?

An atom emits a photon (particle of light) when transitioning from a ground state to its excited state. To obey conservation of energy, the energy gained by the atom when an electron moves to a lower energy level is equal to the energy it loses in emitting the photon. (The energy of a photon is E = hf, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the photon.) Conversely, when an atom absorbs a photon (as is the case in absorption spectra), the electron absorbing the photon moves to a higher energy level.

When sunlight excites electrons how do the electrons change?

Depending on the energy (frequency) of the specific photon hitting the electron, one of three events happens: nothing, the electron is excited, or the electron leaves the atom. If the energy of the photon very high, the electron can absorb the energy and escape the nucleus' pull. This is called ionization. If the energy of the photon lines up with the energy spacing in the atoms energy levels, the electron will move to a higher energy state, becoming excited. The electron then returns to its original energy level, releasing the energy as light. If the energy of the photon does not fall into one of these categories, the electron does not interact with it. In terms of actually changing the electron, it only changes in energy, not any other property.

The energy of a photon depends on what?

The energy of a photon depends on its frequency or wavelength. The energy is directly proportional to the frequency of the photon, meaning that higher frequency photons have higher energy levels.

A change in wavelength produces what change on light?

Frequency, color, energy in each photon.

Which is the relationship between photon energy and frequency?

Photon energy is directly proportional to frequency. This relationship is described by the equation E = hf, where E is the energy of the photon, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the photon. This means that as frequency increases, photon energy also increases.

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8.3 x 1017 Hz

When an electron in atom changes energy states a photon is emitted If the photon has a wavelength of 550 nm how did the energy of the electron change?

The energy of the electron decreased as it moved to a lower energy state, emitting a photon with a wavelength of 550 nm. This decrease in energy corresponds to the difference in energy levels between the initial and final states of the electron transition. The energy of the photon is inversely proportional to its wavelength, so a longer wavelength photon corresponds to lower energy.

What is the energy of a photon?

the energy of a photon is h times f

What is the energy in a photon of light proportional to?

The energy in a photon of light is proportional to its frequency, according to the equation E=hf, where E is energy, h is the Planck constant, and f is frequency. This means that photons with higher frequencies have higher energy levels.

What is the mathematical relationship between frequency and energy?

The mathematical relationship between frequency and energy is given by the formula E = hf, where E is the energy of a photon, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the photon. This equation shows that the energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency.