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That depends on a few things. First, exert on what? The ground? Is the ground made of concrete? Grass? Soft dirt or mud? The reason that is important is we need to know how quickly the 200-pound object stopped in order to answer your question. How far did it sink into the ground? An inch? A half inch? Just 0.1 inch? Second, we need to know whether the object rebounded. Did it just go plop and sink into the ground, or did the object bounce back up like a rubber ball? Those two things will affect the answer. The force exerted is much greater if the object rebounds, but let us assume the object does NOT rebound. The object's kinetic energy (KE) just before hitting the ground is equal to the potential energy (PE) it had at two feet off the ground. Since PE = wh = 200 (pounds force) x 2 feet = 400 foot pounds, we can say that KE is 400 foot pounds right before impact. We know that energy is the ability to do work, and that work is force times distance (W = Fd), so we can write F = W/d. Just before impact, KE is 400 foot pounds, and after impact KE is zero. The change in KE, therefore, is 400 foot pounds. Now, let us assume the object sinks into the ground one inch, which is equal to 1/12 foot (because there are 12 inches to the foot). Hence, the force applied to the object -- or the force exerted by the object -- is 400 / (1/12) = 400 * 12 = 4800 pounds force. What if the object fell on concrete and sunk into it only one tenth of an inch? In that case the force exerted would be 400 / (0.1/12) = 48,000 pounds force, which equals 24 tons!

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1mo ago

The force exerted by the weight depends on the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.81 m/s^2. If a 200-pound object fell 2 feet, it would exert a force of 200 pounds x 2 feet x 9.81 m/s^2. This would result in a force of approximately 3924.48 Newtons.

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Q: If two hundred pounds fell two feet how many pounds of force would it exert?
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