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when your going up you will most likely weigh more.

when you are going down you will most likely weigh less.

a good example (for the going down) is skydiving while in the plane you accelerate to a certain speed and height. then you jump outside of the plane and once you jump from the plane and are in open air with nothing attaching you to the plane you are in free fall you will feel weightlessness. so on a scale that is moving the same speed as you while falling will most likely say you weigh nothing unless something is above you say the ceiling or someone else (or a huge thing everything knows as gravity) doesn't push you so as long as you don't push down on the scale while standing on top of it while the elevator is falling which i say don't do because you have to crouch onto the floor in order to survive. you will not weigh anything.

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4w ago

If the elevator accelerates up, your weight will temporarily increase. Accelerating down will decrease your weight momentarily. At a constant speed, your weight will remain constant. If the cables suddenly snap, you will experience weightlessness as you and the elevator fall freely due to gravity.

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Q: If you are standing on a scale in an elevator what happens to your weight if you accelerate up if you accelerate down move at a constant speed if the cables suddenly snap?
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