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yes because they are an odd animal!

The process is called regeneration.

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2w ago

regenerating the missing body parts. Each half has the ability to regenerate the other half of its body, resulting in two separate individuals from the original flatworm.

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Q: If you cut a flatworm in half both halves can grow into a new individual by?
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If a flatworm is cut in half how do both halves grow into a new individual?

Flatworms have the ability to regenerate missing body parts, so when cut in half, each half can regenerate the missing parts to form a new individual. Specialized cells called neoblasts grow and develop into the structures needed to create a complete organism.

Why does cutting a flatworm into pieces not kill it?

In gereral, the more poorly differentiated (the fewer complex structures that have specific functions) an organism is, the greater its ability to live and re-grow after being cut apart. Worms have this ability to re-grow in entirety, as do lower organisms like amoebas and fungi. In flatworms, their cells have the ability to differentiate into any type of tissue that the worm might need. These types of cells are called stem cells, and are the subject of ongoing research in medicine as to their applications in humans. There is a limit, however. a tiny slice of flatworm would not be able to develop into another worm.

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Fragmentation is the process by which parts of an individual grow into new individual animals. This is a form of asexual reproduction.

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The Drop tail Lizard is one of them. A flatworm such as the planarian can regenerate body parts. If you cut it in half the part with the head will grow a new tail and the part with the tail will grow a new head. Pretty wicked!

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It is not that they both grow from seeds or hatch from eggs. Now we got it narrowed down. The answer is that they both grow larger as they mature.

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