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Density is calculated by mass divided by volume. Mass is therefore calculated by density multiplied by volume. Make sure your units are compatible - 1L - 1000 cm3

So, gold statue's mass is 19.3 g/cm3 x 1700 cm3 =

and sand's mass is 3.00 g/cm3 x 1700 cm3 =

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1mo ago

To calculate the mass of each item, you can use the formula: mass = density x volume. For the gold statue, the mass would be 19.3 g/cm3 x 1.7 L = 32.81 grams. For the bag of sand, the mass would be 3.00 g/cm3 x 1.7 L = 5.1 grams.

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Q: If you have a gold statue that has a density of 19.3 gcm3 and a bag of sand that has a density of 3.00 gcm3 and they both have a volume of 1.7L what is the Mass?
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Does mass or volume affect the density of the substance?

Density is determined by the mass of a substance divided by its volume. Therefore, both mass and volume do affect the density of a substance. If the mass increases without a corresponding increase in volume, the density will increase. Conversely, if the volume increases without a corresponding increase in mass, the density will decrease.

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Density = Mass/Volume. You cannot calculate density without knowing BOTH mass and volume.

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Density is a measure of mass per unit volume. To calculate density, you need both the mass and volume of the substance. Without the volume of the substance, you cannot determine the density.

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Density = Mass/Volume. As a result, density is entirely dependent on both mass and volume.

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Density is by definition mass divided by volume. Therefore volume times density equals mass. Diving both sides of that equation by the density, we get volume equals mass divided by density. So the answer to your question is, divide the mass by the density.

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If you don't have the volume, you cannot directly convert density into mass. The formula for density (density = mass / volume) requires both mass and volume to calculate. You will need either the volume or another piece of information to determine the mass.

When mass nd volune increases does destity stay the same?

No, density changes when both mass and volume increase. Density is calculated by dividing mass by volume, so if both mass and volume increase proportionally, the density will remain the same. If mass increases more than volume, or volume decreases more than mass, density will increase.

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Actually, BOTH are used. You can define density as mass divided by volume (or mass per unit volume).

If the mass of an object is 220g what is the objects density?

To calculate density, you need both the mass and volume of an object. If only the mass is given (220g), you would need the volume of the object to calculate its density. Density is equal to mass divided by volume (density = mass/volume). So without the volume of the object, the density cannot be determined.

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When mass increases and volume stays constant, the density increases. When volume increases and mass stays constant the density decreases. When they both change, then the density will depend on the rate of change of mass and the rate of change of volume.

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Density is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume of a substance. Mass is the amount of matter in an object, while volume is the amount of space that an object occupies. Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume.

What is a density of mass?

There is no such thing. There is the density if any object which has both mass and volume. Density is found by dividing mass by voleum.