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Then the thermometer will show over 110 degrees Celsius - if it doesn't break first.

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4w ago

The thermometer would show a gradual increase in temperature from -10 degrees Celsius as the water is heated. Once it reaches 0 degrees Celsius, the temperature will plateau until all the ice melts. Then, the thermometer will continue to rise above 0 degrees Celsius until it reaches over 110 degrees Celsius as the water boils.

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Q: If you started with water -10 degrees celsius describe what a thermometer would show if you heat it until it is over 110 degrees celsius?
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What does one degree of temperature mean?

The term is relative to the thermometer being used. On the Celsius or Centigrade scale, 1 degree is 1/100th of the range of temperature that water goes through from freezing to boiling; that is, water freezes at 0 degrees C and boils at 100 degrees, a difference of 100 degrees. The Fahrenheit scale, on the other hand, has water freezing at 32 degrees and boiling at 212 degrees. Since there is a difference of 180 degrees there, a Fahrenheit degree is much smaller than a Celsius degree. (And don't get me started on Kelvin!)

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One of the problems with the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales is that they are not linear. We cannot say, for example, that a cup of water at 40 degrees C is twice as hot as one as 20 degrees, or that water at 20 degrees is twice as hot as water at 10 degrees. The absolute -- or Kelvin -- scale solves this problem, because it is linear.

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Under 40 degrees Celsius is a huge range in temperature. That said, flax oil can start to go bad very quickly when not refrigerated. It is possible the oil has started to become rancid and should be replaced.

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Mercury is colder than Neptune. Mercury's average temperature is about -290 degrees Fahrenheit (-179 degrees Celsius), while Neptune's average temperature is around -355 degrees Fahrenheit (-215 degrees Celsius).

Do german's serve there beer at room temperature?

No, Germans typically serve their beer cold, at around 7-10 degrees Celsius (45-50 degrees Fahrenheit). This is preferred to enhance the flavors and refreshment of the beer.

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According to the National Weather Service, which has temperature information dating back to 1871, the coldest temperature in Pittsburgh was -22 degrees Fahrenheit, or -30 degrees Celsius. This was recorded on January 19, 1994, which was also Pittsburgh's coldest day on record (lowest mean temperature) with an average of 13 degrees below zero Fahrenheit.The highest temperature recorded in Pittsburgh was 103 degrees Fahrenheit, or 39.4444 degrees Celsius. This record high was reached on three days: July 10, 1881, August 6, 1918, and July 16, 1988. That latest date was also the last day of the longest heat wave in Pittsburgh history, a 13-day span that started on the Fourth of July, during which the high was never lower than 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do you change a Mabis ear thermometer from Celsius to Fahrenheit?

To change a Mabis ear thermometer from Celsius to Fahrenheit, typically you need to power off the device first. Then, press and hold the power button for a few seconds until the display shows either "°F" or "°C". Use the up or down buttons to switch between the two temperature scales. Finally, press the power button again to save your selection.

What was in the first thermometer?

It was mercury but when they found out they were poisonous when broken they started to use it less often, but it is still sold., but not very much

What would be temperature of a pot of water if you continued heating it for 10 minutes after it had already started boiling?

If the water is actively boiling, it is never more than 100 degrees Celsius (212°F).When water is not boiling (because of pressure or lack of nucleation points), it can become hotter than 100°C, a process known as superheating.

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The answer is t + 14 degrees where t is the temperature that you started with.

Tool used to measure the temperature?

A thermometer is typically used to measure temperature. There are various types of thermometers, such as digital, mercury, or infrared thermometers, that detect and display temperature readings accurately.