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You inherit two alleles, one maternal and one paternal. Because both parents are homozygous, each only has one variation to pass down. This means that any offspring will be heterozygous and have one allele with a repeat of 200base pairs and one with 400bp.

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1mo ago

Since you inherit one copy of the D1S80 locus from each parent, you will be heterozygous at this locus with one allele at 200 base pairs and the other at 400 base pairs. Therefore, the length of your fragments will be a combination of these two sizes, resulting in bands of approximately 200 and 400 base pairs on a DNA gel.

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Q: If your mother is homozygous at D1S80 with a repeat of 200 base pairs and your father is homozygous at D1S80 with a repeat length of 400 pairs what will the length of your fragments be?
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Can males be homozygous?

Yes, males can be homozygous for traits that are located on the sex chromosomes, such as the X and Y chromosomes. For example, a male could be homozygous for a trait on the X chromosome if he inherits the same allele from both his mother and father.

What is the blood type of the father if the mother is O plus and the child is A?

Must be AA, or AO because the mother having O blood, which is homozygous recessive, must be OO. The signs mean little here except the father must carry them and the child inherited them from the father.

How do you use electrophoresis to determine paternity of a baby?

In paternity testing, electrophoresis can be used to compare the DNA profiles of the alleged father, mother, and child to determine if the father is the biological parent. By analyzing specific genetic markers through electrophoresis, scientists can see if the child has inherited genetic material from the father that is not present in the mother. The presence or absence of these shared genetic markers can help establish paternity with a high degree of accuracy.

A man who has dystonia marries a woman who doesn't one of their children has the condition what are the possible genotypes of the man and woman?

If the man has dystonia and the woman does not, the man would have a genotype of heterozygous for the mutation (Dd) while the woman would have a genotype of homozygous normal (dd). The possible genotypes for their child would be Dd (heterozygous carrier) or dd (homozygous normal).

If the father has type A blood and mother type O and they have childred with type A are they Diploid haploid Heterozygous or Homozygous?

The children would be heterozygous for blood type. The father with type A blood contributes one A allele and the mother with type O blood contributes one O allele, resulting in the children having one A allele and one O allele (AO genotype). This makes them heterozygous for blood type.

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What is the genotype ratio for a father with dimples and a mother with no dimples?

depends... were they homozygous or heterozygous?

Can males be homozygous?

Yes, males can be homozygous for traits that are located on the sex chromosomes, such as the X and Y chromosomes. For example, a male could be homozygous for a trait on the X chromosome if he inherits the same allele from both his mother and father.

When a mother is A positive and a father is O positive what will baby be?

All babies will be A, if the mother alleles are homozygous (AA) and the other option they will be in 50% A and 50% O if mother alleles are heterozygous (Ai) ,, :) Hope that helps

What is the genotype of a child if the mother is homozygous for the dominant trait and the father is homozygous for the recessive trait?

The child will inherit one allele from each parent. Since the mother is homozygous dominant (AA) and the father is homozygous recessive (aa), the child will inherit one dominant allele from the mother and one recessive allele from the father, resulting in a heterozygous genotype (Aa).

If the mother has 0 blood type and the father has b blood type what blood type will the baby have?

If the father is homozygous (ii, BB): the baby will be type B. If the father is heterozygous (ii, Bi): the baby will be type B or O.

Which term describes the example below- A child with no freckles has a mother who has freckles and is heterozygous and a father who has no freckles and is homozygous recessive?

The example describes a situation of incomplete dominance, where the child inherits one freckle allele from the heterozygous mother and one non-freckle allele from the homozygous recessive father. This results in the child having no freckles, as the freckle allele is not fully dominant over the non-freckle allele.

What is the length ofa newborn baby horse?

that depends on the breed, the mother and father

What is the relationship with our daughter to our grandchildren?

Father or Mother

What is a grandpa?

A grandpa is a grandfather, the father of your father or mother.

If a child has blood type O and its mother has type O could a man with type B be the father?

Yes it is possible. Blood type O is recessive. So it is true that the child would need an OO blood type. But if the mother is OO and the father is BO..... Then in this case the mother would contribute an "O" and the father a B or an O. If the father contributes an O then the child will be type O. Of course in order for this to happen the father must be heterozygous and not homozygous for the dominant blood type.

Can a blood type b negative man father a blood type a positive child?

Yes, it is possible for a blood type B negative man to father a blood type A positive child. The ABO blood type system is inherited from both parents, with each parent passing on one of their two ABO genes to their child. This means that the child could inherit an A gene from the mother and a B gene from the father, resulting in a blood type of A positive.

What is the blood type of the father if the mother is O plus and the child is A?

Must be AA, or AO because the mother having O blood, which is homozygous recessive, must be OO. The signs mean little here except the father must carry them and the child inherited them from the father.