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way too little information to answer the question. What is the resolution of the image? what compression and decompression algorythms to use? What kind of processor to perform compression and decompression? What is allowed error rate? How frequently are you updating the images? two way or one way? What does 2108mS (which is 2 seconds) mean? Biggest question, why not buy a commercial HiDef system, all the problems are solved for you.

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1mo ago

Approximately 10.54 seconds will be required for the images to be transmitted round-trip. The compression and decompression processes for the images will take an additional amount of time, depending on the complexity of the algorithm used for compression and decompression.

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Q: In a proposed telesurgery application the images will be transmitted at 2 108 ms over a round-trip distance of 500 km. The compression and decompression processes for the images will take a total of?
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Is lyme disease an std?

No. Lyme disease is a tick-borne infectious disease.While it may be possible to get Lyme disease through sexual intercourse with an infected person, there is still research being done to prove or disprove this theory.It is not, however, a sexually transmitted disease.Some say Lyme Disease can not be sexually transmitted and that Lyme Disease is transmitted through a tick that is infected with it. However, research has proven that the lyme bacterium can be transmitted through any biting insect not just ticks. Also one of the lyme bacterium is a spirochete (Borrelia Berdorfi). A well known sexually transmitted disease is syphilis which is a spirochete.Till further studies prove this wrong I would assume that Lyme can be transmitted through the sharing of body fluids.

What is the weak force transmitted by?

The weak force is transmitted by a collection of mediating particles. These particles are designated Z's and W's. The Z is a photon made heavy.

What is transmitted radiation?

Transmitted radiation refers to the portion of radiation that passes through a material without being absorbed or scattered. This can include various types of radiation such as light, x-rays, or gamma rays. The amount of transmitted radiation depends on the material's composition and thickness.

How sound waves produced transmitted and propageted?

Sound waves are propagated as compression waves in air (and in other gases). They will be produced by any object vibrating at appropriate frequency. As far as humans are concerned, we can hear frequencies from about 25 HZ up to 15 kiloHz, though the upper register gets less efficient as you age. For music or speech transmission we use a loudspeaker which is some sort of diaphragm actuated by a moving coil which responds to electrical signals in this frequency range, and the diaphragm produces the compression waves simply by moving in and out. Sound waves travel at about 720 mph in air at normal temperature and pressure.

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Basically, mobile communication use compression techniques. Two types of compression techniques are there. they are: 1. lossy compression 2. lossless compression. While the user send an SMS, copmression technique is applied at the transmitter section and decompression technique is applied at the receiver. These compression techniques were takes place automatically. 1. In lossy compression, some data may lost at the receiver while performing decompression. 2. In lossless compression, the transmitted data is received without any loss at the receiver. Due to lossy compression only, u may have some problems at the receiver side such as "some text missing". etc.

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Compression shock waves can be transmitted through various mediums such as air, water, solids like metal, and biological tissues. The speed and efficiency of transmission may vary depending on the properties of the medium being traversed.

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To send large files, you should always use a compression software to reduce the total size to be transmitted. There are many zipping/compression software available online.

What is the need for image compression?

Benefits of Image Compression 1. Reduce the size of the image to be transmitted 2. This will definetly speed-up the processing time 3. Optimal use of Storage space 4. Optimal utilization of transmission media By Victor

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As it is not a transmitted disease , it should not affect a persons visa for Canada.

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Gerald Joseph Sieren has written: 'A study of radar pulse compression using complementary series to modulate the transmitted waveform'

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Yes, sound waves are longitudinal mechanical waves that result from the compression and rarefaction of molecules in a medium as energy is transmitted through it. These waves move by causing particles in the medium to move in the same direction as the wave itself.

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2 types of java programs are application and applet application program is the one which run on ur computer under the O.S of ur computer. applet is an application designed to be transmitted over the internet and executed java compatible web browser.

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At which OSI layer does data compression take places?

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