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The Hazen-William equation is an empirical one. It has a proportionality constant

that depends on the use of USCS units or SI units.

For the case of USCS units, pressure drop is in 'psig', length of pipe in 'ft', volume flow in 'gpm', and inside pipe diameter in 'in'.

For the case of SI units, pressure drop in 'm', length in 'm', volume flow in 'm3/s,

and inside pipe diameter in 'm'.

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1mo ago

Yes, in the Hazen-Williams equation, the units of flow rate (Q) and diameter (D) cancel out because the equation is dimensionally consistent. This leaves head loss (h) with units of length, typically feet or meters, depending on the units used for the other variables.

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Q: In headloss calculation using hazzen William equation does units of flow and pipe diameter are cancelled out?
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