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remains constant

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Q: In the exponential model of population growth the growth rate?
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Compare the exponential model and the logistic model of population growth. (?

An exponential model has a j-shaped growth rate that increases dramatically over a period of time with unlimited resources. A logistic model of population growth has a s-shaped curve with limited resources leading to a slow growth rate.

When individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate it is called?

When individuals in a population reproduce at a constant rate, it is called an exponential growth. Populations generally experience this growth under ideal conditions.

Population increase where the rate of growth stays the same but numbers increase at an accelerating rate?

Exponential growth

Which is not a difference between a population showing exponential growth and a population showing logistic growth?

Mutation Rate

Growth ends when a population nears its carrying capacity.?


What is the type of growth experienced by a population that increases at a rate proportional to its size?

exponential growth.

How is logistics growth difference from exponential growth?

linear growth is the equal growth in a equal time period without any aspects such as food to change it. Exponential growth is the growth of the population based on the culmulative things in the environment affecting the population of the area

Is a population that is experiencing exponential growth fast or slow?

A population that is experiencing exponential growth is typically fast. Exponential growth refers to a constant growth rate where the population size increases exponentially over time. This means that the population doubles at a regular interval, leading to a rapid increase in numbers.

How are birth and death rates accounted for in the exponential population growth equation?

The r value in the exponential equation is the rate of natural increase expressed as a percentage (birth rate - death rate). So the math includes the birth rate and the death rate when implementing the equation. Students may have a hard time understanding that population growth is controlled not only by birth and death rates but also by the present population. The mathematics of exponential growth govern the prediction of population growth. Your welcome Ms. Musselma...'s class.

Which factor might not contribute to exponential growth rate in a given population?

Reduced Resources

A population of foxes experiences an exponential growth After this period of growth the birth rate within the population slows down What has happened within the population?

The Population has gone through ecological sucsession

How did Thomas Malthus define 'exponential growth'?

Exponential growth states that if the population of humans kept on growing at the same rate unchecked, there would be insufficient living space sooner or later.