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Q: Is 0.2 less than 0.9
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Is 0.02 bigger or smaller than 0.09?

Smaller. If you add .02 + .02 you would get .04 . Similarly in this fashion you keep adding .02 to itself. .02 + .02 + .02 + .02 .02 and you get .10 which is larger than .09 .09 + .09 = .18

Is 02 greater than or less than 08?

0.2 is less than 0.80.2 < 0.8

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09. 3=03 and so 03 is less than 09

Is .02 greater or lesser than .35?

it is less than

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Less Than Hero was created on 2003-03-02.

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Less Than an Hour was created on 2007-09-25.

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When measuring medicine Is 02cc less than 03cc?

No matter what you're doing, or when, .02 of anything is always less than .03 of the same thing.

Is 02 greater than 0.35?

02 is 2. 2 is greater than 0.35 is. If you mean .02 or 0.2, they are both less than 0.35 is.