Yes, a 25 ounce rock weighs more than 2 pounds of paper. There are 16 ounces in a pound, so 2 pounds of paper would be 32 ounces. A 25 ounce rock is lighter than 32 ounces of paper.
Yes, 0.9 ounce is equivalent to 0.9 of an ounce. In the imperial system of measurement, 1 ounce is equal to 1/16 of a pound. Therefore, 0.9 ounce is less than 1 ounce.
No, 6 ounces of raspberries is less than a half pint. A half pint is equivalent to 8 ounces, so 6 ounces would be slightly less than that amount.
There are approximately 2 tablespoons of ricotta cheese in one ounce.
A gram is equal to approximately 0.035 ounces, so a gram of tea is equivalent to roughly 0.035 ounces.
Well, honey, of course 0.75 ounces is less than 1 ounce. It's like asking if a penny is less than a dollar - common sense, darling. So yes, 0.75 ounces is definitely less than 1 ounce.
no. a kilogram is more than an ounce
0.457 ounces- less than half of one ounce. There are 437.5 grains to one ounce.
1 grain = 0.00228571429 ounces which means there are 500 grains to an ounce.
A cup is more than a fluid ounce.
Technically .875 dry ounces, so just a little less than 1 ounce.
A little less than 3/4 of an ounce.
Yes, a 25 ounce rock weighs more than 2 pounds of paper. There are 16 ounces in a pound, so 2 pounds of paper would be 32 ounces. A 25 ounce rock is lighter than 32 ounces of paper.
Sorry, but the two do not interchange. The first ounce you mention is an ounce of WEIGHT. The second is an ounce of VOLUME. An ounce of water has a volume of one fluid ounce, and a weight of one ounce- but when measuring anything else, they do not interchange. Sorry
1 gram = 0.0352739619 ounces This holds true on Earth. On the moon 1 gram = .00587 ounces. On Jupiter 1 gram = about .082 ounces. Overall a gram is a great deal less than one ounce.
.607 OZ ... 17 grams is less than an ounce. There are 28 grams in an ounce.
Yes, 0.9 ounce is equivalent to 0.9 of an ounce. In the imperial system of measurement, 1 ounce is equal to 1/16 of a pound. Therefore, 0.9 ounce is less than 1 ounce.