3 liters is less than a gallon.
1 US gallons = 3.785 liters
1 Imperial gallons = 4.546 liters
One liter is about 32 oz. A standard two liter drink bottle is 64 ounces. Three liters is 3 times 32oz, or 96 oz. A gallon has 128oz (4 liters), so to answer your question, no. Three liters are not more than a gallon in terms of volume, they are 1/4 less.
1 US gallon is 3.785 Litre. 1 Imp gallon is 4.546 Litre.
there are about 4 liters of water in a gallon
One gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.785 liters.
There are 3.78541 liters in 1gallon
In the UK, about 4.55 liters per gallon and in the US, about 3.79 liters per gallon.
One gallon is 3.78541178 Liters You have 3 liters. You need roughly another 3/4 of a liter to have a gallon.
There are several different usages of the gallon. The US gallon is about 3.785 liters, so the difference between 3 liters and 1 US gallon is about 0.785 liters. The UK (Imperial) gallon is about 4.543 liters, so the difference between 3 liters and 1 UK gallon is about 1.543 liters.
3 liters is 0.79 gallon.
3/4 of a US gallon is about 2.839 liters.
No. One US gallon is about 3.785 liters.
A gallon is more than 3 liters 1 US gallon is equal to about 3.785 liters. 1 Imperial gallons is equal to about 4.546 liters.
no a gallon is a little bit more than 4 liters
There are approximately 3.785 liters in one gallon.
6 liters is bigger than 3 gallons. 1 gallon is equivalent to approximately 3.785 liters, so 3 gallons is approximately 11.36 liters, which is smaller than 6 liters.
3 gallon is 11.4 liters.... 1 gallon= 3.7853333 liter
3 liters =0.793 US gallons0.660 Imperial gallonsLess than 1.1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liters.1 UK (Imperial) gallon = 4.54609118 liters.
1 US gallon is 3.785 Litre. 1 Imp gallon is 4.546 Litre.