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It's not potentially dangerous; it is dangerous. It's potentially fatal if it strikes someone. Theoretically, the bullet would return to earth at the same speed it left the muzzle of the gun, but in practice that is not the case because air resistance would cap the speed of descent. That's known as terminal velocity. Nevertheless, if the descending bullet struck you in the head at 180 to 200 miles per hour, there is little doubt that you would be severely injured or killed. Sad to say, numerous people are killed each year in New Year's celebrations (and other festivities) when people abuse firearms in such a manner.

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Yes, a warning shot fired into the air can be dangerous because the bullet can fall back to the ground at high velocity and cause injury or damage. It is not safe to fire a gun into the air as a warning shot.

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Q: Is a warning shot fired from a gun into the air potentially dangerous when the bullet falls back to earth?
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How many volcanoes are dangerous on earth?

There are approximately 1,500 potentially active volcanoes on Earth, some of which are considered dangerous due to their history of eruptions or their proximity to populated areas. The specific number of dangerous volcanoes can vary depending on factors such as volcanic activity and monitoring efforts.

If you fired a bullet and it never dropped would it orbit the earth and hit you?

No, the bullet would not orbit the Earth and hit you. Gravity would eventually pull the bullet down towards the ground due to atmospheric drag and other gravitational forces. The bullet's initial velocity and trajectory would determine how far it would travel before hitting the ground.

What is an asteroid if it leaves its orbit?

An asteroid is a small rocky body that orbits the sun; if it leaves its orbit, it can potentially enter the Earth's atmosphere, becoming a meteor and potentially hitting the Earth's surface as a meteorite.

What do you think will happen to earth if the arrangement of planets will be reversed?

If the arrangement of planets were reversed, it would disrupt the gravitational balance in our solar system. This could potentially lead to chaotic orbits, collisions, and other catastrophic events that could drastically affect Earth, such as major changes in climate and extreme weather. It would likely result in significant destruction and potentially threaten life on our planet.

Which layer of earth's atmosphere protect the earth from the dangerous ultraviolet?

The ozone layer

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If a gun is fired into the air at a perfect right angle to the earth, the bullet will travel straight up until it stops and falls back to earth. When the bullet reaches the ground, it will be travelling at the same speed as when it exited the gun. Being hit with this bullet would be the same as being shot.

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There are approximately 1,500 potentially active volcanoes on Earth, some of which are considered dangerous due to their history of eruptions or their proximity to populated areas. The specific number of dangerous volcanoes can vary depending on factors such as volcanic activity and monitoring efforts.

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No, it is not possible to shoot a bullet into space from the ground on Earth. Bullets fired from firearms do not have enough velocity to escape Earth's gravity and reach space. Additionally, there are aerodynamic forces, air resistance, and other factors that would prevent a bullet from traveling to space.

What are the movements of the bullet after leaving the muzzle of the gun?

The bullet is moving forward, and is spinning. As the bullet moves away from the gun, it falls towards the earth from gravity.

Where can i meet Satan?

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If a bullet was fired down through the earth's atmosphere how long would it take and how fast would it be?

That would depend on the mass of the bullet, the bullet's velocity when it left the barrel of the gun, and from how high up the bullet was fired from.

What did the earth look like during the big flood?

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What is a rhyme about how earth moves?

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If you fired a bullet and it never dropped would it orbit the earth and hit you?

No, the bullet would not orbit the Earth and hit you. Gravity would eventually pull the bullet down towards the ground due to atmospheric drag and other gravitational forces. The bullet's initial velocity and trajectory would determine how far it would travel before hitting the ground.