Nope, Tachyons might just be the fastest thing in the world...look it up for full description.
Light is considered the fastest thing in the natural world, traveling at a speed of approximately 186,282 miles per second in a vacuum.
According to the US Bureau of Standards, the speed of light is considered the fastest thing in the world. It travels at a speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum.
The possibility of everyone in the world blinking at the exact same time is practically impossible due to the sheer number of people and the spontaneous nature of blinking. The timing would need to be perfectly synchronized, which is highly unlikely to occur.
The duration of The World's Fastest Indian is 2.12 hours.
The fastest car in the world in 1966 was the Lamborghini Miura. With a top speed of around 171 mph, it was considered one of the fastest production cars of its time.
The fastest thing on the world.
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The fastest thing in the world is light, or light particles. The move at a speed of 186,000 miles per second. I hope this helps :)
a Greek fairy tale
Light is considered the fastest thing in the natural world, traveling at a speed of approximately 186,282 miles per second in a vacuum.
More Information is needed. In what category are you referring to?Fastest:animalautomobilepersonetc
The word 'blinking' is a verb, because it is an action, or something that can be carried out. A noun is an object. (Person place, thing, or idea.) You cant sit on a 'blinking.' You can perform the action of blinking.
Mold is the fastest thing to grow.
According to the US Bureau of Standards, the speed of light is considered the fastest thing in the world. It travels at a speed of approximately 299,792 kilometers per second in a vacuum.
Tachyon is the fastest thing ever because its slowest velocity is the speed of light! Light is the fastest thing that can be seen.