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Yes. Blood is matter.

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4mo ago

Yes, blood is a form of matter. It is a complex mixture of cells, proteins, and other substances suspended in a liquid matrix called plasma.

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Is blood matter?

Yes, blood is a matter :)

Which animal do not have Blood?

All animals have no blood! <---WRONG!! all animals have blood in there system some how shape or form' doesn't matter what animal it is you will always fine blood in there system if they are to live!

Should blood sport be banned?

It is a matter of opinion to whether or not they should be banned. In my personal opinion blood sports should be banned, but it's up to you to form your own opinion on the matter.

What is a mass of undissolved matter lodged in a blood vessel?

An embolus is a circulating blood clot.An embolus is a mass of undissolved matter in the blood.

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They do not form in a blood donation because blood clots are out of our anotomy

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Are X-rays not a form of matter?

Yes, X-rays at not a form of matter. They are a form of electromagnetic energy.

Are x Rays a form of matter?

Yes, X-rays at not a form of matter. They are a form of electromagnetic energy.

Where can matter be found in plasma state in blood or livers or river or lightning?

Matter can be found in the plasma state in lightning. Lightning is a form of plasma, which is a state of matter where atoms are stripped of their electrons and exist as ionized gas. Plasma is commonly found in stars, lightning, and certain experimental setups, rather than in blood, livers, or rivers.

Why is heat matter?

Heat is not a form of matter: it is a form of energy. Of course, Einstein famously proved the equivalence of matter and energy.

Is an X-ray a form of matter?

No, an X-ray is not a form of matter. It is electromagnetic energy.

Is the blood plasma another state of matter?

No, blood plasma would be the watery part of blood.