Yes, ounces is a measure for liquids.
Ounces is a dry weight measurement (ounces and pounds, oz and lbs).
Fluid ounces is volume measure for liquids (Fluid ounces, pints, quarts and gallons, fl oz, pt, qt, gal).
There are 8 fluid ounces in 8 ounces of melted butter. The weight measurement in ounces is the same as the volume measurement in fluid ounces for liquids like melted butter.
There are 8 fluid ounces in a standard cup measurement.
There are 16 ounces to the pint in US measurement.
1.75 ounces is equivalent to 0.22 cups.
"Tri-ounce" is not a standard unit of measurement. If you meant to ask about "three ounces," then there are three ounces in three ounces.
You cannot convert ounces to kilometers. Ounces are a measurement of weight. Kilometers are a measurement of distance.
Some are weighed by ounces but most are weighed by grams.
Ounces and feet are units of measurement in the English system.
Ounces are a measurement of weight, millimetres are a measurement of length, the two do not mix.
There are 8 fluid ounces in 8 ounces of melted butter. The weight measurement in ounces is the same as the volume measurement in fluid ounces for liquids like melted butter.
Ounces is an imperial measurement of weight & Milimetres is a metric measurement of length: Your Q is unanswerable.
This question isn't valid, centimeters are measurement of length while ounces are a measurement of weight. Incase you meant to type inches instead of ounces (1 inch = 2.54 Centimeters) so two centimeters is substantially smaller than two inches, let alone eight.
That is 12.8 ounces
It's a unit of measurement
There are 8 fluid ounces in a standard cup measurement.
omg u bunch of noobs go on google and type in 8.8 ounces it gives u the exact measurement at the top anyway the answer if u havnt already figured it out is 249.475804 grams
50 ounces, of course!