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Q: Is the United State of America the third largest country in the world?
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united state and the Canada ( North America) .

Which state is the largest in area in north America?

The United States is the second largest state in North America, if you mean state as in country or nation. (Canada being the largest.) Alaska is the second largest state in North America, out of all Mexican American and Canadian states/provinces/territories (Nunavut being the largest)

What is the largest country in the US?

The U.S. IS a country. However, the largest state in the U.S. is Alaska followed by Texas.

Is Michigan the one of the largest state in America?

Michigan is the fourth largest state in America, so yes it is one of the largest.

Is Alaska the fifth largest state?

No. Alaska is the largest state in the United States of America.

The continent of Texas?

Texas is a state in the United States, not a continent. It is located in North America and is the second largest state in terms of both area and population.

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Tokay is not the name of a state in any country. Tokay is a gecko in Asia.

What is the country of Kentucky?

The state of Kentucky is in the United States of America.

What state is the third state?

California is the third largest state in the United States of America.

North America biggest state?

Alaska is the largest state in the United States.

What Country is Massachusetts on?

Massachusetts is a state in the United States of America.

The is the 1st largest country in the us?

The USA is a country-- USA stands for United States of America. Since it already is a country, it has no other country in it. It does have states in it (50 states) and the largest state in terms of its area is Alaska; the largest state in population is California.