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No, an iceberg is approximately 10% less dense than seawater. This is why it floats

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No, the density of an iceberg is less than seawater because ice is less dense than water. This is why icebergs float in the ocean.

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Q: Is the density of an iceberg and seawater equal?
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Why does only 10 percent of the iceberg float on top of water?

Only 10% of an iceberg floats above water because ice is less dense than water. The majority of the iceberg's mass is submerged to displace enough water to stay afloat. This buoyant force works by balancing the weight of the iceberg.

Will seawater expands when frozen into iceberg?

Yes, seawater expands when frozen into an iceberg because the density of ice is lower than that of liquid water. As the water freezes and forms into ice, it occupies more space, causing it to expand. This expansion is what causes icebergs to float with a portion visible above the water's surface.

How are density and salinity related?

Density and salinity are directly related in seawater - as salinity increases, the density of seawater also increases. This is because dissolved salts and other substances in seawater add mass without significantly changing the volume, thereby increasing the overall density. Conversely, a decrease in salinity will lead to a decrease in density.

Is not one of the properties of water?

Seawater does not have a density of 5.

What percentage of an iceberg is below water and why?

Any object that is floating will displace a mass of fluid equal to the mass of the floating object. Since the density of an iceberg is about 90% of the density of seawater most of the iceberg will be under water to create enough buoyancy to support the bit above the water. About 10% will be above the water. Pure ice has a density of about 916.7 kg/m³. Surface seawater has a typical density of about 1027 kg/m³. We can use these figures to work out that 1m³ of ice has a mass of 916.7kg. The amount of seawater that needs to be displaced to support this ice is 916 ÷ 1027 = 0.892m³. Since any object that is floating will displace a mass of fluid equal to the mass of the floating object we know that our 1m³ iceberg will have 0.892m³ under the water and 0.108m³ above the water. i.e. 89.2% underwater and 10.8% above the water. The percentages will be the same for any size iceberg. Since the density of Sea Water can vary and icebergs are not completely pure water there will be a bit of variation from these figures, a figure of 10% is normally used.

Related questions

Why does only 10 percent of the iceberg float on top of water?

Only 10% of an iceberg floats above water because ice is less dense than water. The majority of the iceberg's mass is submerged to displace enough water to stay afloat. This buoyant force works by balancing the weight of the iceberg.

The relative density of seawater is 1.03 and of ice is 0.92. What fraction of an iceberg is above the surface of the water?

Since ice has a lower relative density than seawater, only about 10% of an iceberg's volume is above the water surface. This is due to the principle of buoyancy, where the upward force on an object in a fluid balances its weight.

Will seawater expands when frozen into iceberg?

Yes, seawater expands when frozen into an iceberg because the density of ice is lower than that of liquid water. As the water freezes and forms into ice, it occupies more space, causing it to expand. This expansion is what causes icebergs to float with a portion visible above the water's surface.

What is the most important factor affecting seawater density?

The most important factor affecting seawater density is its temperature. As temperature increases, seawater density decreases, causing it to expand and rise. Conversely, as temperature decreases, seawater density increases, causing it to contract and sink.

What are 2 main factors that influence density if seawater?

Temperature and salinity are the two main factors that influence the density of seawater. Colder seawater is denser than warmer seawater, while seawater with higher salinity is denser than seawater with lower salinity.

How density current forms?

Density currents - more dense seawater sinking beneath less dense seawater.

What is the mass of the iceberg (relative density of sea water 1.02 and relative density of ice 0.9)An iceberg floating in sea water just sinks when a mass of 360 kg is placed on it .?

The buoyant force on the iceberg when the 360 kg mass is placed on it is equal to the weight of the added mass. We can use the concept of relative density (or specific gravity) to find the mass of the iceberg, knowing that it displaces its own weight in water. By applying the principle of buoyancy, we can calculate the iceberg's mass to be around 400 kg.

Does ice go below freezing temp?

Yes, ice is frozen water that is at or below the freezing temperature of water, which is 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). If ice were to be exposed to temperatures higher than its freezing point, it would melt and turn back into liquid water.

What fraction of iceberge is below the water line?

Approximately 9/10 of an iceberg is below the water. The figure is approximate because the density of the berg depends on how must the ice is compacted and how much air it contains. It also depends on the density of the seawater which, in turn, depends on its salinity and temperature.

Does salt content of water affect the density of seawater?

the salt makes seawater denser than freshwater. more salt increases the density

What causes the density current in the mediterranean?

the answer to this question is a density current forms when more dense seawater sinks beneath less dense seawater

What causes the density in the mediterranean sea?

the answer to this question is a density current forms when more dense seawater sinks beneath less dense seawater