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On the December solstice (generally the 21st, but this can vary a day either way) the Sun is directly above the Tropic of Cancer at 23.5 degrees south (rounded off to the nearest half). At "Local Apparent Noon", which is sometimes called the Meridian Passage time (when the Sun is highest in the sky) the elevation of the Sun is 90 minus your latitude plus declination. (MINUS your declination if it is opposite hemisphere.)

For 5N, that's about 61.5 degrees. For 52S, that's .... 61.5 degrees. So they're about the same, and we'd need to get more precise than "to the nearest half-degree) to figure it out. Since the Solstice declination is closer to 23 degrees 26 minutes S, the the Sun will be FRACTIONALLY higher in the sky from 5N.

In reality, there are very few people living at 52S; the Falkland Islands, the southern tip of South America, and a couple of islands way south of Australia. The weather there is generally blustery, so they may not SEE the Sun on December 21.

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Q: Is the noon sun higher in the sky at 5 degrees north or 52 degrees south on the December solstice?
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What is the Solar inclination at latitude 35 degrees north during winter solstice?

The solar inclination at latitude 35 degrees north during winter solstice is approximately 55 degrees. This means that the sun will be 55 degrees above the horizon at solar noon on the winter solstice at this latitude. A higher solar inclination angle indicates that the sun is lower in the sky.

How many hours of daylight does latitude 51 degrees north receive?

At latitude 51 degrees north, the amount of daylight you receive will vary depending on the time of year. On the summer solstice (around June 21), there will be about 17 hours of daylight, while on the winter solstice (around December 21), there will be around 7 hours of daylight.

Does the sun go more than 18 degrees below the horizon at night in London England near the June Solstice?

At the June Solstice, the Sun is about 23.5 degrees north of the equator. London is at 51.5 degrees north latitude. So at midnight around the solstice, the Sun is (90-51.5) + (90-23.5) degrees north of London. So, the Sun is 105 degrees away from London. The northern horizon is 90 degrees, so the Sun is only 15 degrees below the northern horion.

Where does the sun peak at 66.5 degrees on the June solstice?

That happens anywhere on the Equator. The Sun is overhead at the Tropic of Cancer, 23.5 degrees north, on the June solstice, so move 23.5 degrees south of there to get the Sun at a height of 66.5 degrees.

Which latitudes would experience the fewest hours of daylight on December 22?

Latitudes near the Arctic Circle (66.5 degrees north) and Antarctic Circle (66.5 degrees south) would experience the fewest hours of daylight on December 22, known as the winter solstice. At these latitudes, the phenomenon known as polar night occurs, where the sun does not rise above the horizon for 24 hours.

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If the sun is 62 degrees below the northern horizon at midnight on the December solstice - what is your latitude?

Starting at the North Pole, the Sun is 23.4 degrees below the horizon on the December solstice; then move southwards by 38.6 degrees so that the Sun is now 62 degrees down. So your latutude must be 90-38.6 degrees, 51.4 degrees North, and that is where the Sun is 62 degrees down at midnight.

What latitude is the sun directly overhead at noon on the equinoxes and solstice's?

March and September Equinoxes: the Equator (zero latitude)June Solstice: Tropic of Cancer, 23.5 degrees north latitudeDecember Solstice: Tropic of Capricorn, 23.5 degrees south latitude

What is the Solar inclination at latitude 35 degrees north during winter solstice?

The solar inclination at latitude 35 degrees north during winter solstice is approximately 55 degrees. This means that the sun will be 55 degrees above the horizon at solar noon on the winter solstice at this latitude. A higher solar inclination angle indicates that the sun is lower in the sky.

When does noontime sun casts the longest shadows in US?

That would be the day that the noontime sun is lowest in the sky.At any point north of 23.5 degrees north latitude, that's the day of the Winter solstice,around December 21, and that range of latitudes takes in every point in the USA.

Is 51 degrees north far enough south for astronomical twilight to end on dates near the summer solstice?

The Southern tip of Ireland is about 51 degrees North. That is not far enough South for astronomical twilight to end on dates near the summer solstice. (The Sun never sets at latitudes above about 66.5 degrees, at the summer solstice. Astronomical twilight ends with the centre of the Sun 18 degrees below the horizon. That means you would need to be around 48.5 degrees North to get full darkness at the summer solstice.)

How many hours of daylight does latitude 51 degrees north receive?

At latitude 51 degrees north, the amount of daylight you receive will vary depending on the time of year. On the summer solstice (around June 21), there will be about 17 hours of daylight, while on the winter solstice (around December 21), there will be around 7 hours of daylight.

When does winter start?

Winter officially starts on the winter solstice, which occurs around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. This is when the North Pole is tilted farthest away from the sun, resulting in the shortest day and longest night of the year.

Does the sun go more than 18 degrees below the horizon at night in London England near the June Solstice?

At the June Solstice, the Sun is about 23.5 degrees north of the equator. London is at 51.5 degrees north latitude. So at midnight around the solstice, the Sun is (90-51.5) + (90-23.5) degrees north of London. So, the Sun is 105 degrees away from London. The northern horizon is 90 degrees, so the Sun is only 15 degrees below the northern horion.

Where does the sun peak at 66.5 degrees on the June solstice?

That happens anywhere on the Equator. The Sun is overhead at the Tropic of Cancer, 23.5 degrees north, on the June solstice, so move 23.5 degrees south of there to get the Sun at a height of 66.5 degrees.

Is the sun below the northern horizon or the southern horizon at midnight at the December solstice at 5 degrees north?

At 5 degrees latitude, either north or south, the sun sets on every night of the year. So it seems to me that at midnight, it must be below the horizon in EVERY direction.

Which latitudes would experience the fewest hours of daylight on December 22?

Latitudes near the Arctic Circle (66.5 degrees north) and Antarctic Circle (66.5 degrees south) would experience the fewest hours of daylight on December 22, known as the winter solstice. At these latitudes, the phenomenon known as polar night occurs, where the sun does not rise above the horizon for 24 hours.

Is the Arctic Circle 66 degrees or 67 degrees North?

The Arctic Circle is the southernmost latitude in the Northern Hemisphere at which the sun can remain continuously above or below the horizon for 24 hours (at the June solstice and December solstice respectively).