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I'm thinking not, I would say the brain yet people have said the heart so it's one of the two, I hoped I helped a little.

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2w ago

No, the tongue is not the body's fastest growing organ. The liver actually holds that title, as it has the ability to regenerate and regrow after damage or injury.

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12y ago

yes it is

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Q: Is the tongue the body's fastest growing organ?
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What Is the bodys fastest growing organ?

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The liver is the fastest growing organ, whereas the eyeballs are one of the slowest

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heart Internal organ maybe, but the largest organ is your skin.

What organ regulates the bodys matabolism?

The cerebellum in the brain.

What is the taste organ?

The taste organ is the tongue. It contains taste buds that are responsible for detecting different flavors - sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. Taste receptors on the taste buds send signals to the brain, allowing us to perceive and differentiate between various tastes.

Mobile organ that initiates swallowing?

The tongue. The tongue.

Organ that mixes food in the mouth and initiates swallowing?

The organ responsible for mixing food in the mouth and initiating swallowing is the tongue. It helps move food around in the mouth to mix it with saliva and then pushes the food to the back of the mouth to start the swallowing process.

Is the tongue an internal or external organ?

The tongue is an internal organ located in the mouth. It is a muscle that helps with various functions such as chewing, swallowing, and speaking.

Is your tongue a tissue an organism or an organ system?


What organ senses taste?

The Tongue, a muscular organ.