One UK pint is equal to: 20 UK fluid ounces or 19.2 US fluid ounces.
1 US pint = 16 fluid ounces. 1 UK pint = 20 fluid ounces.
No, there are 20 fluid ounces in 1 pint (Imperial)
There are 16 fluid ounces in a US pint, and 20 fluid ounces in an imperial (Canada and UK) pint.
There are 20 English ounces and 19.3 US ounces in an Imperial (English) pint.
One UK pint is equal to: 20 UK fluid ounces or 19.2 US fluid ounces.
1 US pint = 16 fluid ounces. 1 UK pint = 20 fluid ounces.
One UK pint equates to 20 UK fluid ounces or 19.22 US fluid ounces.
No, there are 20 fluid ounces in 1 pint (Imperial)
There are 16 fluid ounces in a US pint, and 20 fluid ounces in an imperial (Canada and UK) pint.
There are 20 English ounces and 19.3 US ounces in an Imperial (English) pint.
there are 16 ounces in one pint. 6.4 American ounces convert to UK ounces
One UK pint is equal to 20 UK fluid ounces or 19.2 US fluid ounces.
20 fluid ounces = 1 imperial pint.
1 US pint = 16 fluid ounces 1 Imperial pint = 20 Imperial Fluid Ounces
In the US, one pint is 16 fluid ounces. In the UK, one pint is 20 fluid ounces.
That is 1 Imperial pint.