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No, there is no deadline. They will do it when all the old people who have grown up with the antiquated system, have died. ;D

The US officially defined most measurements (inch, foot, etc.) in terms of metric units in 1893, and President Jimmy Carter pushed to move the US fully onto the metric system in the 1970's, but there has been public resistance to abandoning the traditional units, in spite of their more cumbersome relationships. The popularity of two-liter bottles of soft drinks are a rare success story in the introduction of metric units to the U.S.

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Q: Is there a deadline for US conversion to the metric system?
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Where should us start for the conversion to metric system?

They already have.

The us metric conversion act calls for a blank conversion?

The US Metric Conversion Act calls for a coordinated national policy to encourage the use of the metric system in the United States. This is intended to facilitate compatibility with the global economy and promote efficiency in commerce and science.

What conversion does the US Metric Conversion Act call for?

voluntary conversion

Who decided us would go on metric system?

In the United States, the decision to adopt the metric system was made by the federal government with the passage of the Metric Conversion Act in 1975. This act declared the metric system as the preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce.

how would the US metric system help you?

The US does not use the metric system.

What year did the US pass the metric conversion act?


What was the metric conversion act in 1975?

The Metric Conversion Act of shiting 1975 (later amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988, the Savings in Construction Act of 1996, and the Department of Energy High-End Computing Revitalization Act of 2004) designated the metric system as the preferred system of weights and measures for US trade and commerce, and directed federal agencies to convert to the metric system, to the extent feasible, including the use of metric in construction of federal facilities.It also created the United States Metric Board to assist in the conversion, although the Board no longer exists.The full text of the law is included below. It looks longer than it really is, because much of the text deals with the US Metric Board.

How do you change US standard into metric standard?

You multiply it by some conversion value

What us the difference in the metric sistem and the us long measure?

metric system is for commies

How much is a kilometer based on the us metric system?

In the US metric system, a kilometer is equivalent to 0.6214 miles.

What math system does the us use?

The Metric System.

Is the metric system used in the US?
