if your brothe is jake than yes and also jack ecspecially if they are cousins
The world's most annoying question can vary depending on individual preferences, but a commonly cited one is "Are we there yet?" when on a long car journey.
Maximilian Agyei
Beauty is subjective and varies from person to person. It is not possible to determine who the two most beautiful people in the world are as beauty is diverse and unique to each individual.
Sakshar is the most kala person in the world
God is because He made us and everything! To the air we breath to the dash of light.
What can be 'annoying' to one person may not be annoying to another person. So it is impossible to answer the question.
Yes he is He is also racist and extremely annoying
He is the most annoying person in the room....
yes very annoying like so most annoying thing in the world! So are all the other call of duty's in the world they are so annoying
well, i am an annoying person myself, but i believe it is because you want logic and most annoying people don't make sense most of the time
most annoying
Because she is the most AMAZING AWESOME COOL UN-ANNOYING EPIC HELLA CONCIETED PERSON IN THE WORLD. (totally not Lucie who wrote this :3)
the thing sitting behind you!
It is Justin Bieber's voice and music.
He most likely loves you and doesn't want any harm to come to you. But hey, siblings can be annoying:)
It is subjective and varies among individuals. What may be annoying to one person could be pleasant to another.
cope whith it