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its means 11 because 10pm with 1 hour later 10+1=11

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1 hour later than 10 pm is 11 pm.

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Q: My child has homework about time. it says what is 1 hour later than 10 pm. does that mean 11 pm or 9 pm?
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You can use the word 'after' to say that you are going to perform a task then another - all in one sentence. However, if you use the term 'later', you will have to form two sentences. Example: 1. I will go to the store after I have finished my homework. 2. I will finish my homework first. Later, I will go to the store. Although 'later' could also be used for this sentence; 3. I will be arriving at the airport later than expected; note that you cannot form a sentence this way if you want it to mean what you see in example no. 2.

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