The highest active volcano in the world is Ojos del Salado, located in the Andes mountain range on the Argentina-Chile border. It stands at an elevation of 22,615 feet (6,893 meters).
The name of the smallest cricket ground in the world is the Tennerife Cricket Ground, located in the Canary Islands. It is known for its compact size and unique setting near a mountain.
The highest peak in the world, if not Mount Everest, is K2, also known as Mount Godwin-Austen. It is located on the China-Pakistan border. K2 is the second-highest mountain in the world after Mount Everest.
Kilimanjaro is not named K2. K2 is actually the name of the world's second-highest mountain, located in the Karakoram Range on the China-Pakistan border. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa, located in Tanzania.
The botanical name for ground ivy is Glechoma hederacea.
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Settlers named the area "Strong's Battle Ground" after the US Army commander near Ft. Vancouver. Settlers expected a fight between the Army and the Klickitat Indians at that place in 1855, but the battle never occurred; but the name stayed. As time went by, the name "Strong" was dropped, and just "Battle Ground" was used.
Cotopaxi is the name of the highest active volcano in the world.
Mount Everest 29.029 feetEverest is the highest.
The Himalayas are the highest mountain range in the world.
mountain Everest
The himalayas
Angel Falls in Venezuala is the highest waterfall in the world.
K2, also known as Mount Godwin Austen, is the world's second highest mountain.
Mount Everest This is the highest mountain in the world.