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No, it depends during what the time of the year it is because in winter, for example the sun will set earlier than it would during summer.

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Q: Nights are always 12 hours long at the?
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Nights are always about 12 hours long at the?


Where is nights 12 hours long at?


Nights are 12 hours long at the?

North Pole Dumitru

Are the nights long in a desert?

The lengths of days and nights in the desert are the same as with any area of the world at the same latitude. In the summer the nights are short while in the winter the nights are long. Over a year's period they average 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness per day.

Day light are always about 12 hours long at the?

The equator.

When are nights 12 hours long?

When you live near the equator, or at the equinoxes (March 20 or 21, September 22 or 23).

In what months of the year is the sun vertically overhead at the equator?

The sun is vertically overhead at the equator in the months March 21st to September 23rd.All places on Earth, (except at the poles) receive 12 hours of daylight (day) and 12 hours of darkness (night). Days and nights which are 12 hours long are called equinoxes.Note: Day and Night are always 12 hours long at the Equator.

What is an exuinox?

The equinoxes are the days when the days and nights are equal. I.e. day=12 hours long, night=12 hours long. The vernal equinox is in spring and the autumnal equinox is obviously in autumn. They are sometimes said to be the start of summer and winter respectively.

At the days and nights are each 12 hours long?

For two days a year only does everywhere on the planet receive 12hrs sun 12 hrs dark. Around March 22 and September 22 are the two equinoxes [Sun is dead set above the Equator] Then and only then.

What will happen to the day cycle if the earth wasn't tilted?

If the Earth's rotational axis were not tilted relative to the plane of the ecliptic, the days and nights would always be equal, and about 12 hours each.

How long are Antarctica's nights?

Night is half the span of 24 hours, so you could say that nights are 12 hours long. If your question has to do with lack of a sunrise, there are locations on the continent that experience no sunrise for between one 24-hour period, up to six months. Specifically, that six-month location without a sunrise is the South Pole.

How long after leaving honey on yellow tree to check back?

Normally it will take 12 hours but not always