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One Newton meter is equal to one Joule and three fourth of a foot pound.

Nm= 3/4 f#. A meter is 10/3 f giving

N10/3f = 3/4 f# so that a

Newton N=9/40 # = .225#

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1mo ago

One Newton meter is equal to one Joule, as both units measure energy.

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A joule is equal to one what times one meter?


What is the unit used to measure work equal to one newton -meter?

Newton-meter IN THIS CONTEXT is equivalent to joule.

What one newton force?

One Newton is the force needed to accelerate one (1) kilogram of mass at the rate of one (1) meter per second squared.

What is the SI unit for pressure which is equal to one Newton exerted over 1 meter squared?

One Newton per square metre is one Pascal.

What does nM stands for in torque reading in tightening bolts?

Newton Meter. One newton meter is equal to about 0.74 lb ft.

Is it 1 newton 1joule?

Well, look at this formula: Work = Force*Distance Force is in Newtons, Distance in meters and Work in Joules. So if we replace it as: 1=1d or 1=d this means distance has to be one meter for 1 newton to equal one joule, so it depends on the distance, if it is not one meter then 1 newton does not equal 1 joule.

What is torque nm?

Torque is a measure of turning power.Nm stands for Newton Meter. If you have a wrench that's one meter long, and pull at the end with a force of one Newton, the turning force by the head of the wrench will be one Newton meter.

The pressure produced by a force of one Newton per square meter of surface area is one?

A force of one Newton per square meter of surface area produces a pressure equal to 1 Pascal, which is abbreviated Pa. This is the definition of pressure in physics using SI units.

A watt is equal to the amount of work that is accomplished when a force of one newton moves an object a distance of one meter?

Not quite, but you're very close to the right track.When a force of one newton acts through a distance of one meter, as youdescribed it, the amount of work done is one joule .If you did it in one second, then the power of that action was one watt.

How much energy does it take to lift an object weighing one Newton a distance of one meter?

1 newton-meter = 1 joule

Why are you using kilogram instead of newton?

A kilogram is a unit of measurement for WEIGHT. A newton (in the meter-kilogram-second system) is the unit of FORCE required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram one meter per second per second, equal to 100,000 dynes.

How do you write the quantity 40W in terms of newtons?

Watt is a unit of power, newton is a unit of force. 1 joule (unit of enrgy) is equal to one newton-meter, and one watt (unit of power) is equal to one joule/second, so 1 W = 1 Nm/s.